
29 December 2012

Person of the year part I

Time Magazine may be dull and unadventurous in its choice of person of the year for 2012 (Barrack Obama pah !) but the people making this choice criminally overlooked a truly great woman.  I have  no hesitation in making Samantha Brick as one of the true greats of 2012

Smantha who? I hear you say.Clearly you are not a regular reader of the Daily Mail or a follower of Twitter or, or, or.....

On 3 April the wonderful Samantha produced this ground breaking article for the Mail:

On a recent flight to New York, I was delighted when a stewardess came over and gave me a bottle of champagne.  ‘This is from the captain — he wants to welcome you on board and hopes you have a great flight today,’ she explained.You’re probably thinking ‘what a lovely surprise’. But while it was lovely, it wasn’t a surprise. At least, not for me.

Throughout my adult life, I’ve regularly had bottles of bubbly or wine sent to my restaurant table by men I don’t know. Once, a well-dressed chap bought my train ticket when I was standing behind him in the queue, while there was another occasion when a charming gentleman paid my fare as I stepped out of a cab in Paris. Another time, as I was walking through London’s Portobello Road market, I was tapped on the shoulder and presented with a beautiful bunch of flowers. Even bar tenders frequently shoo my credit card away when I try to settle my bill....
... While I’m no Elle Macpherson, I’m tall, slim, blonde and, so I’m often told, a good-looking woman. I know how lucky I am. But there are downsides to being pretty — the main one being that other women hate me for no other reason than my lovely looks....  I’m not smug and I’m no flirt, yet over the years I’ve been dropped by countless friends who felt threatened if I was merely in the presence of their other halves. If their partners dared to actually talk to me, a sudden chill would descend on the room.

And it is not just jealous wives who have frozen me out of their lives. Insecure female bosses have also barred me from promotions at work. And most poignantly of all, not one girlfriend has ever asked me to be her bridesmaid.

....when I first started in television as a researcher, one female boss in her late 30s would regularly invite me over for dinner after a long day in the office. I always accepted her invitation, as during office hours we got along famously. But one evening her partner was at home. We were all a couple of glasses of wine into the evening. Then he and I said we both liked the song we were listening to. She laid into her bewildered partner for ‘fancying’ me, then turned on me, calling me unrepeatable names before ridiculing me for dying my hair and wearing lipstick. I declined any further invitations.

... I find that older women are the most hostile to beautiful women — perhaps because they feel their own bloom fading.... .So now I’m 41 and probably one of very few women entering her fifth decade welcoming the decline of my looks. I can’t wait for the wrinkles and the grey hair that will help me blend into the background.Perhaps then the sisterhood will finally stop judging me so harshly on what I look like, and instead accept me for who I am.

What a terrible life Samantha is forced to lea.. damn her looks and way with words. Within 24 hours poor Samantha faced a storm of derision clearly because women were spurred into rage over her radiant beauty.

The following month dear Samantha came rushing to A A Gill's defence when he savaged presenter of the excelent series Meet The Romans, Mary Beard over her appearance...

And she wrote plenty of other articles too just go here. Each and every one is witty, incisive and confirms over and over again that she is if not the most beautiful woman in the world then surely in the top five.

That Samantha could churn out inane narcissistic drivel and then get shocked when gainsayed. True some of the criticism was rather nasty but for her services to narcissistic drivel she deserves to be lauded.


  1. What a foolish woman, who by the way, looks quite ordinary to me.
    Personally, I prefer the countenance of Mary Beard. Much more character and therefore to me, more attractive.

    But who does not find the ones they love beautiful to behold? How beautiful the open, gentle face of a peaceful 'soul'? Regardless of the wrapping...

  2. I would take one Beard over a thousand Bricks!

  3. I empathise with the poor girl, having had to endure the Hell of Being Handsome all of my life, every day a trial of women who are throwing themselves at me while I am gently trying to tell them I have already chosen the luckiest lady in the world. It aint easy Jams. Give her some understanding.

  4. You poor thing Don.At least the fair Dulcinea will beat them away

  5. Oh well. One could always wear earplugs. And reading Daily Mail (or most other papers) regularly may be hazardous to one's health.

  6. Indeed Snoopy. Most papers are shite at least their comments pages are
