
18 February 2013

Waiting to die?

On Friday and Satuday Robyn looked as if he was about to give up the ghostHe didn't even want is Dreamies. But he's picked up again.Still it's only a matter of time before he dies.  He is a very old chap but he's had a good life


  1. Don't be so sure this is the end.

  2. They say animals know. I hope it is peaceful for you all.

  3. Thankyou all. I don't thin it will be long.He's increasingly unsteady on his legs... but then he gets up and totters off to eat his food and then Boris's and then Bebe's!

  4. Dear old guy...Thinking of all of you. So hard to say good-bye.

  5. We are pleasantly surprised he has lived so long.

  6. Aww! pure cutie, it seems he wants to stay with you a little longer.

    Or maybe he is staying because he knows you want him to stay a little longer...

    Sending some kisses to Robyn xxx

  7. Nothing to do with time. Just to make sure he doesn't suffer too much at the end. Well we'll all join our cats eventually, on that green field where mice are plentiful and sun shines all the time.

  8. Ah CHerie he seems to be like that.We thin he is on the way out then he bounces back.Stil it won't be long

    That we won't mon ami.He'll cross the rainbow bridge and curl up with Oscar then knock seven bells out of Ted!

  9. So long as he's eating there is hope for at least a little longer.

  10. That's true.He has given us a couple of scares though
