
10 September 2006

An Experiment

I recently bought a new camera: a bottom of the range Nikon D50 digital SLR. I thought I would have a play around and try a few things that I could not do with a copmact camera. This photo was taken trhough an Infrared filter and converted to black and white so as to get the effect I would have had I shot with infrared film. Not much of a pic maybe but I sort of like it


  1. Thanks, I'm glad you like it

  2. Anonymous5:44 am

    After two years of saving and researching I finally bought the Nikon D70s and I love it. Congrats and happy photographing!

  3. I will indeed BZ. I already like the D50 for ease of use. It's nice to be back with an SLR again.

  4. It looks like your garden and gazebo is about to be overtaken by an avalanche!!!!

  5. It does give a wonderfully surreal image , eh? It isn't that good a photo but I will be playing more with my new camera. Now to learn photoshop elements which defeats me!
