
10 September 2006

Garden 10 September

This is proof positive that the camera can lie or at least distort. Move just a little to the left and you would see a crappy shed that is overdue for demolition and a pile of waste that needs to be composted. Even so it gives us a lot of pleasure to see so much in bloom when most other things are in decline.


  1. Gorgeous, Jams... though I've noticed this tendency of the camera to lie about, or improve upon, our garden, too. We haven't been as good as you about planting things that bloom at different times -- a couple of giant bursts, especially in May. Your climate is milder, though, so you can plant more of a variety. After a horrible year in which most lost their cherry trees (we lost about 20), it has turned out to be an apple year after all -- just hauled in ca. 250 kg from a single tree!

  2. beauty is in the eye of the beholder- and your garden is lovely. thanks for the pitures all summer of your beautiful flora and fauna.

  3. Thanks Peteris, our much milder climate helps and the garden is well sheltered so we don't get too much frost at all - enough to stop some flowers from continuing all year round of course!

    Shame about the cherry trees but it sounds you have enough apples for cider for a good long time!

    I am so glad you like my photos betmo... even with the clothes drying in the background!

  4. What is used for vodka, Peteri? Cherries or apples? I hope - for your sake - that the latter....otherwise you would have to invent "apple vodka". Jams, beautiful, I wish you were MY photographer....

  5. I am sure it has been invented Red or at least will be soon by Mr C! It does please me to get such a response to my photos.. just as well it wasn't our smalls" on the dryer in the background!

  6. The Transylvanian reprobates living in khrushchovkas should have no photographers. Vodka requires grain or potatoes.


  7. "Vodka requires", how naive....I wish you had a vision and see (whilst drinking) what vodka really also requires drinkers, I think.

    And not everybody is a much about the sq kilometers or meters.

    Btw the proper spelling is "Egészségedre"

  8. "Egészségedre" -- forgive me, please.

    M2, an objective measure. Would never wanna get a furtherleftish guy as a surveyor...


  9. Okay Apple flavoured vodka? or how about distilling the cider?? 250 kg of apples hould make a fair few litres of hooch, shouldn't it?

    lol play nice you twi or I'll send you to Belarus without your supper!!

  10. Ah ullets it was not the lack of supper that was the real punishment, rather the being sent to Belarus, a stalinist's wet dream!

  11. Props to the not wife for this little piece of heaven on earth!

  12. True ewbl especially whne you thing that she grew a lot of the smaller plants from seed. She does have green fingers

  13. There is no paradise without a snake. Would you care for an apple, innocent bloggers?

  14. LOL red. are you trying to lure sweet innocents like Peteris to the dark side of the blogosphere again?
