A little while ago I got a visitor from Sheffield. “Well big wow!”, say both my readers The visitor (IP address is was Schillings “Shysters to the rich and famous – corpulent Uzbek oligarchs, a speciality”
Presumably, some minion has been tasked with performing Google searches to see how their bully boy tactics against Craig Murray have fared. The search that brought Schillings to the Poor Mouth was “Usmanov criminal”. The Poor Mouth was just one of nearly 43,000 results and what they saw on my post Alisher Usmanov and the "Streisand Effect" was mild to what came before and after.
Rather than gag Murray’s allegations dozens of websites blogs and fora now carry links to the allegations or the allegations in full. In addition, I am sure they will not be pleased to see their client described as a “c*nt-faced criminal” and “big fat lying cheating criminal c*nt”
Why can’t I stop laughing?
I couldn't help having a chuckle.
What if all bloggers just posted as much or something like that "Usmanov is a cunt faced criminal", then comment it, what would the Google searches show I wonder. Or will these blogs be removed, or what...after all, you live in the United Thiefdom.
I don't know. Usmanov and Schillers may go after all of these blogs but if they do they will just make the situation even worse. If they ahve any sense they will now leave well alone.
This whole Usmanov situation is pretty interesting. Thanks for keeping me up-to-date concerning it.
I learned this week that Korean libel law is not nearly as enlightened as it is in the States. Apparently, writing anything that hurts someone’s reputation, regardless of whether it is true or not, is technically libel! I couldn’t believe it, and it puts some of my thoughts and comments about Korean individuals and society in jeopardy.
Keep up the fight!
Bloody Hell Roland their laws sound even worse than ours here in the UK! I will be interested to see what Schillings dioes next. Geting one server shut down caused this, What will happen if they go after everyone wh has commented on this. Instead of the 224 bloggers (althiough thw figure is probably rather higher now) listed by Chicken Yoghut) expressing outrage, they will have 224,000!
Ha! love it.
I'll write down that IP.
It will be interesting to see what schillings do next. expect a visit Tyger
Controversy comes to The Poor Mouth! Yay!
I almost cried a few weeks ago. Know why? The United States Senate Sergeant Of Arms came to visit my blog. What was he looking for? To see if MIKA is gay! I'm like, "The guy sings in a falsetto, compares himself to Freddie Mercury, and wears tight white pants, isn't it obvious?" I'm sad that our leaders are this clueless.
LOL ewbl. Although I did put in asterisks (on reflection.. I didn't in teh first place!)
Well you have provided a valuable service to teh US sergeant at arms but Mika does give mixed messages!
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