
30 September 2006

Decameron v Webcameron

The Decameron hails from the 14th Century and is Giovanni Boccaccio’s wonderful collection of exactly 100 often quite bawdy stories, ostensibly told by a group of lords and ladies who have escaped an outbreak of bubonic plague in Florence and pass the time by telling stories to each other.

The Webcameron on the other hand is David Cameron’s attempt to bring the Tories kicking and screaming into the 13th century by use of cutting edge technology. Cameron’s first video is pretty risible and while I may be biased, I cannot see the IT generation turning Tory in droves as a result of this

The Decameron is available from Amazon at a reasonable price. The Webcameron is free and is worth as much


  1. It is not worth as much. It is worth less. I will NEVER forgive you for making me watch this...

  2. Don't say I didn't warn you Red!!

  3. WAAAHHHHH, Red made me look!

    I have to say that at least he was using environmentally friendly dish soap. I can appreciate that, and finally a man doing dishes on camera. He has cute kids too, but what is the purpose of all this yammering and stammering? There's no nudity, foul language, chicken dancing, or delicious food scenes, so what's the point?

  4. There you go.. he is going for the ordinary family man image.. but who will run the country when he is washing the dishes....

  5. and they say George Bush is ineloquent.....

  6. Hmm that is damnation indeed!
