
01 October 2006

Well these amused me

Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern has been in trouble recently over a loans scandal. Wags apparently been saying that you can now buy a T Shirt in Dublin saying "Been there, done that, bought the taoiseach."

Macuaid’s blog has a report on Ian Paisley at the Labour Party Conference. When he was at university he saw Ian Paisley at a public meeting. One heckler shouted "Paisley! You're a wanker!" Paisley replied, "Sir, my hands are on the table. Where are yours?"

I’ll get me coat…


  1. Love the quotes, both from the t-shirt and from Ian R.K. . . .

  2. Ignorant American that I am, I'm only vaguely aware of the politics involved, but Paisley's retort is splendid!

    My ignorance is showing again: what's a taoiseach?

  3. Thanks for posting some Yeats, SLB. There is never a bad time to read or quote Yeats!

    Fraser, I am glad you liked it. It amwazed me to see something witty coming from the mouth of Paisley who is an old bastard in my view.

    Stephen the word Taoiseach (roughly pronounced teeshock) is the proper title of of the Irish Prime Minister. sthat is what he is properly referred as.

  4. I wonder if Paisley actually wears paisley. That would be a fun read for the Society Pages. "Paisley showed up for the evening gala wearing a resplendent brocaded silken paisley ensemble that drew gasps from the crowd. Nobody pulls off paisley like Paisley."

  5. If only he did and then ho might not be such an old bastard. His favourite colour is orange!

  6. Orange paisley is lovely this time of year. Oh, and thanks to the snippet of dialogue, I now know for sure what "wanker" means. Thanks for the cultural lesson, jams!

  7. LOL I will have to learn you some more British vernacular now!!!

    Sadly Paisley is not a nice character.. In reality he has contributed a fair bit to the problems in Northern Ireland

  8. I suppose it goes to show that even an arse like Paisley can come up with a good quip from time to time
