
13 November 2006

Hawkwind - the Right to Decide

Hideously pixellated but a wonderful song. It first appeared on 1992's Electric Teepee. THe video appeared on the bonus DVD that accompanied last year's Take me to your Leader. Now go out and buy shed loads of Hawkwind!

Music for a streaming cold part 2


  1. I was once burned while squatting in a field after drinking lots of chamomile tea. Turned out to be a live wire. The moral of the story is to be wary of electric teepee, because it burns.

    The sound on my speakers is acting up. I'll have to come back later for a listen.

    "Shed loads" is so much more refined than what we say around here, Gentleman Jams!

  2. Eww ewbl! one that would be painful.. tepee. tea pee, Doh!

    But I am always the gentleman!

  3. Ah... so it's now Electric Waste Band Lady! <grin_duck_run />

    Would that I were such a gentleman as jams. I'll say anything online. Let me rephrase that: there is no four-letter word that I will not say online. Politeness was never my strong suit!

    I'll be back to listen tomorrow, if work doesn't overwhelm me. It's too late (early) here and I don't want to wake my neighbors by cranking it up the way it deserves to be heard.

  4. Hey! This is the most likeable of all the Hawkwind songs I've heard thus far.

    steve- I only wear my electric waist band pants while doing the Electric Slide and everybody's dance favorite the Electric Boogaloo. Tripping the light isn't always fantastic either.

  5. I just noticed the last sentence. Are you ailing again, jams? With the weather wildly fluctuating from 50 degrees to 85 on a day to day basis with high humidity, my kids are all nasally, runny nosed, and sore throated too. Ask Steve Bates, he lives close to us. You never know how to dress for the day with Houston Fall season the way it is. We go from tropical to shivering cold in the blink of an eye.

  6. Steve, ewbl I can see it is so quiet here you can hear a pun drop! You two should form the Houston pun posse!

    I have another chest infection, something that is getting sorely annoying. I am still hacking my lungs up and I can barely speak (well I can but I am pretty croaky) Our autumns are well out of whack. Still stuff in bloom out in the garden especially the fuchsias and we havent had a hard winter in 15 years in London.

    The Right to Decide is one of the Hawk's catchiest songe. I love it. I wish they still played it, THat said they have brought back some great stuff back into the set list for their current tour.. I see them on 20 December

  7. Yeah, we need an Arctic blast to blow through here and kill the current population of mosquitoes, roaches, and fire ants. We had some flooding about a month ago, and all of Houston is under siege. Might I add the mosquitoes are deadly, with a lot of them carrying West Nile Virus.

    Oooh, I hope you're well enough in a month to go and scream your lungs out at the Hawkwind show, rather than cough your lungs out!

  8. That is a great reason for a cold winter. Luckily we dont have anything like West Nile here but give a decade or so of global warming and who knows?

    I surely hope I'll be up for a real good scream at the gig too!

  9. Sorry to hear you're under the weather, jams, but I'm glad you'll get to see Hawkwind live.

    EWBL, this has been an astonishing November; I'm not sure I remember one like it in recent years. Houston has, and has always had, moment-to-moment weather, but this tops all... warm enough for A/C in November, cool but not cold, humid, rainy, you name it, we've got it... all in a day. And pollen. The trees and flowers must think it's spring.

    As for mosquitoes, I'm in West Denial about them.

    Get well, jams. Those long croaking spells are the worst; they hang on so that you think you'll never get well. But you will; I have confidence. With the best diction I can manage, I say, "To health with you!"

  10. Thanks, Steve. I am feeling rather bettter but my chest hurts, I am still coughing my lungs up etc. Gah! Utter crappy.. I should be back in the world of the healthy in the next couple of days

  11. Thanks mullets. I have been at home all week. The prospect of a 90 minute commute to my office is far too much!

  12. no worries.. I took my medicine like a man... moaning and whingeing, that is!

  13. Not this time! Like all other men I put on the poor mouth with sweet abandon. This time it was the real deal!

  14. What about spreading cyber viruses, jams? I hope you used a good disinfectant prior to typing.

  15. I leave the cyber viruses to the hackers.. Hackers? coughs? geddit?

  16. Anonymous5:04 pm

    Seen Hawkwind a few years ago in york, england it was a fantastic gig I was totally mashed. Also seen Daevid Allen's Gong a few times crazy pot head pixies they are. Love this site, enjoyed Electric Prunes vid.

  17. Hi tonefish glad you like it! I am looking forard to seeing th Hawks next month at the Astoria but I never saw Gong in any of its incarnations. I did get to see Tim Blake play with the Hawks back in 79.

    Haste ye back!
