
13 November 2006

Queen Elvis - Robyn Hitchcock

"See that man who mows the lawn? He'll hang in drag before the dawn. Some are made and some are born to be Queen Elvis....."

Recorded live in 1989. Now go out and buy shed loads of his stuff!

Music for a streaming cold part 1


  1. They call me Queen Elvis due to my naturally thick sideburns.

    Sadly, that's not a joke either. One of my Primary students last year commented about my "Elvis" look. :(

  2. Hmm ewbl, If I had said that at school I would have had a date with the ferula, a piece of whalebone covered in leather!!!

    How did you respond?

  3. Primary is what we call Sunday School for the kids at Church. My group last year were all in the 9/10 year old range, and since I'm more irreverent than they are, how could I possibly do anything but laugh and agree? I know women that cut their sideburns like a man, but that seems weird too. Life would have been easier as a blonde, me thinketh.

  4. I dunno. Bown hair does just fine. I must admit that I loved it when the not wife put a reddish tint into her hair.. Not the stupid scarlet thing but a nice auburn highlight

  5. My Mom has very light blonde hair, and now that's it's turning white from age, people compliment her on her lovely highlights.

    My hair used to be dark blonde before the pigmentation changed after my first pregnancy. My gray hair mixed in with light brown hair gets comments of, "Wow, gray hair already? You should color that." Forget about "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", NO, Growing Up is hard to do!

  6. Hair colour changes with pregnancy? I didn't know that. As for grey, no way will I be sticking dye on my scalp! or regaine for that matter...

  7. Yes. My midwife seemed very nonchalant about it, telling me she sees it all the time. Something about hormones, and pigments, and a lot of gobbledygook science stuff that I probably slept through during Biology class.

    I once died my hair red because of an ex-boyfriend that liked redheads. It mixed weird with the dark blonde hair, and turned it pink. I looked like a pink poodle for 6 weeks. :( The things women do for love, and beauty.

  8. Don't worry they didn't even mention it during physiology lectures at university!

    It never occurred to me but perhaps ought not be a huge surprise given the changes a body will have undergone while pregnant.

    Pink? Hmm the course of love, he??
