
30 November 2006

R.E.M. - Begin the begin

There was a time when REM didn't suck - when they weren't shiny happy people. Originally on Life's Rich Pageant released in 1985, when I was living... in Dover, damn it!


  1. Anonymous7:32 pm

    Thanks - that's instantly prompted me to get out my copy of Life's Rich Pageant.

  2. well it is one of their best albums. I think they realy started to disappoint from Out of Time onwards.. not that there aren't aome great songs after Green

  3. Hey I heard your Camper Van Beethoven Skinhead song on the radio this morning, and I got very excited about it! Did I tell you, after Papi's accident, when I herded all my kids into the truck to drive to go pick him up, we heard "Airscape" in its entirety for the first time ever. I liked it! Sadly, my favorite UPOP station that plays a lot of Europe's finest has gone all Christmas music until Dec.26. And the angels weep.....

    I like a few of the REM songs, they're just so overplayed here. Ditto with U2, Radiohead, Foo Fighters. I might like these people if the stations would just pull their stuff out of constant mind numbing rotation. I'm on a rant today, jams. Me against music programmers all over the world!!!

    Oh, and I really, really like "Near Wild Heaven" on Out Of Time.

  4. Agreed bands like REM are so overplayed that great songs can become so fa,iliar that you grow to hate them. Radio and tv have ruined many a song for me too.

    As for Aurscape.. of there was a youtube vid of him playng it, it would be blogged in a nanosecond!

    As for christmas songs.. I hate them It's Slade, Wizzard and Bloody Jona bastard Lewie (do you have Stop the Cavalry in Texas?) on top of the other pieces of pap! Roll on xmas I say

  5. Was it Take the Skinheads Bowling, Take Them Bowling?! One of my all-time faves!
    On Sesame Street REM was on and they did Shiny Happy People, only it was Smiling Happy Monsters feelin' glad, and later they were feelin' sad, and then they were feelin' glad again. It really was quite funny, and my preferred version.

  6. Yes, that's the one elizabeth! If there's one thing in this world I love its songs about skinheads going bowling.

    Boney M. does have some great Christmas music, mullet. We listen to "Mary's Boy Child" fairly often this time of year. I also have a recording of Cyndi Laupers "Christmas Conga." That is much less enjoyable. :(

  7. Take the Skinheads bowling is wonderful. I loved Camper van Beethoven. Also songs like Eye of Fatima, All her Favorite Fruit and the Story of Utah. Cracker could do some wonderful stuff too.

    Their comeback album New Roman Times was great too.. Ach I just like CvanB!

    Boney M? GAH!!!!!! on the other hand they weren't the worst of Frank Farian's inventions: Milli Vanilli were far more irritating..

  8. Alright, I don't know anything by Boney M. outside the Christmas music, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I like the jingle jangle dancehall sound they put on it.

    I just failed the good taste exam, didn't I?

  9. Ahd how, ewbl....

    Seriously when you have had a few more years of life to be exposed to Boney M, you would be in the same boat!!
