
01 December 2006

The trials of an ageing cat.. plus

Ach I don't need this!

Mimi not taking advantage of the fact that Robyn, although three times her size, is one of the most placid cats around.


As a bonus, meet Albert who rules over my friend Suzy, the first person I got to know through the internet nearly five years ago.. five? it is nearly six years.. time flies.

This week's entry for the Friday Ark and Carnival of the Cats


  1. Mimi's just being affectionate... whether Robyn likes it or not!

    I believe Albert needs academic robes, a wizard's hat, and the stone-paved halls of some ancient college to roam at night... I've known faculty members who displayed that very same expression.

  2. Oh she is.. all the other cats love Robyn as he is a big, fluffy gentle giant.

    Albert looks so handsome doesn't he? I have yet to meet him in the flesh. I am looking forward to a chance to do so

  3. Admit it, who doesn't like a good tongue bath every once in awhile? As long as the licker has fresh breath, that is.

    Albert? Presumable named after either Prince Albert (in a can!LOL) or my favorite, Fat Albert. "Hey, Hey, Hey! Bombs away!"

  4. I think he likes it really. Although he is not averse to cuffing the girls when he is not in the mood for attention. Since cat tongues are raspy they will be excellent excoliators. Perhaps there is is a profit to be had in tuna facemasks..

    Slap one on then get the gat to lick it off. THe cat gets a meal and you get a deep down cleansing.. I wonder if I could market it!

  5. I am sure Robyn wasn't that fussy about the greath!

    I must ask,, One thing I am sure it isn't becaus he is pierced in a place where Victoria's consort was alllegedly!

  6. Is Albert smiling? I can see a smile.
    Yes, definitely. Very handsome and distinguished.

    Robyn might be thinking "I don’t need this" but perhaps he does and doesn’t even know it.

  7. Anonymous3:18 pm

    The differing personalities of cats never ceases to amaze me. I have one that is so cuddly and another one that chooses when you wants a scritch on the chin.

    The cuddly one takes to all the baby animals that come in the house and the other one hisses and swats. And these 2 are brothers raised mostly by hand by me.

    I guess it's just like people, eh?

    Happy Friday!

  8. That Albert is one handsome cat! I don't know what color his eyes truly are, but on my monitor they are a forest green!
    Elastic...(sigh, shaking head....) ;)

  9. He is a sweeite isn't he No Cool Story? I think the pic makes Alber look particularly distinguised. As for Robyn.. I think he likes the attention the girl cats give him.

    Felinalities are so different tbird. We have four and they are oh so different in temperament. Robyn is laid back with us but does not care for strangers. Mimi is disabled, she has Cerebellar Hypoplasia, but she is utterly fearless and likes each and every visitor to the house. Cat haters don't know what they miss!

    They are a wonderful green on my monitor too. I ,iht have to take the 200 ,ile trip to Suzy's and catnap him!

    It is utterly disgraceful Red. I will cease and desist... until next Friday!

  10. As long as the licker has fresh breath, that is. - EWBL

    As long as s/he doesn't have (ahem) liquor breath... :)

  11. but if you have liqour breath too it doesn't matter!

  12. Anonymous11:30 pm

    Ahh thank you for your kind comments. I have a terrible confession. Albert turned out to be a girl. Me and Eddie are so totally hopeless at sexing cats. She picked us in fact. After a stressful year I decided in May we need kitten love, and she clung to Eddie's jacket and wouldn't let go. The site of him standing outside Lidl open on a Sunday while I bought kitten food and litter, he shivered while he wrapped his jacket around the basket to keep her warm. She rules him more than me, we women have an understanding. She gets him up to feed her and Simba our dog, and Gertie our latest cat whom you may meet next week. They're great friends our animals and work between them in a quite sinister way, often getting extra treats through sheer cunning. Poor Eddie goes to the loo tries to get peace but Albert sits on his shoulders. She perches there constantly, it's quite amazing and imitates a parrot quite unconvincingly. She is a joy, and a mentor to Gertie. She does smile of that we're quite convinced.

  13. Ah the power of motivated pets is astonishing isn't it Suzy? What they will do to get we humans out of bd. ebe ha a simple trick: she will bite and start backing off. It is as if she is saying "get up or stay in bed - either way I'm getting my breakfast". Ted has a repertoire of tricks. Sometime she gos for drect contact like licking the bald patch at the top of my head. Otherwise he knocks the not-wife's ear rings onto the floor as he knows they make a great noise that wakes us up.

    I wouldn't be wiithout a cat in the house. You must get one Mullet, or better stil, two cats. They add a wonderful dimension to life, particularly for us as we don't have kids.. give up a cat??? I think the not wife would descend on Scotland like the avenging angel!!

  14. However there is one good thing about losing my garden: no more extra felines.
    Fanni and her two daughters committed adultery on the same day, and soon after I woke up with 18 cats in the house. That, and the lusters cat no more. Never. One is enough to hate them all.

  15. Forgot: those are KKKats.

  16. That is why we had ours neuterd. Only Bebe had kittens and the prospect of lots of little bebes and teds doesn't bear thinking of!

    kkkats? Hah.. My cats are democratic socialists, honest!!

  17. Anonymous6:07 pm

    Horror we can't give them up you're right jams they add dimension, and love and so much fun with added destruction.As I write this I am watching Gertie pull off the border of my recently decorated front room. What do your cats eat out of the ordinary? Albert is fond of a crunch cream, only Foxes of course, and Gertie is a huge fan of maltesers. I shall go now and try and mend the border.

  18. ours are pretty conservative eaters although Robyn loves cake. Ach we wouldnt give them up for anything!

  19. Miss csili loces coffee 9if with milk and sugar) and tasted wine once. She was sorry after.

  20. I am glad she was sorry as it means more wine for us!

  21. So, Albert is really an Alberta?
