
24 January 2007

Damn snow!

I wake up this morning ad see this much snow on the ground. This much is irritating enough to someone who does not enjoy being out in the stuff at all (snow means cold feet, falling over and knackering my shoulder, oh and urchins in snowball fights) but it shouldnt sieze up the bloody public transport system and more than double my journey into work today... Bah!


  1. Anonymous9:33 pm

    As a single snowflake settles gently somewhere in the Home Counties, there's a deafening screech as the capital grinds to a halt.


  2. What's snow?

    (The obligatory answer: "Not much; what's snow with you?")

    Houstonians don't see much snow. When we do see it, the city pretty well grinds to a halt. As I'm sure EWBL will confirm, nobody here knows how to drive on snow or ice, and nobody knows how to get anywhere without driving.

  3. Sadly that is true Roger... Us soft Southerners! Seriously, while we dont get a lot of it we de get enough snow to warrant proper contingency plans.. Gah!

    Thanks to the Gulfstream (and global warming) we dont get much of it and we haven't had a hard winter in London for 16 years now/ Living rather further south I would have thought it is rather a rarity in Houston. I daresay it is best not to drive in Houston in the snow if you could possibly avoid it, not that it sounds like much of an option!

  4. Oh no!!! I'm just worried about your lovely plants!! Are you out there warming them with blow dryers?
    We were absolutely balmy here at 40 degrees. The kids were just maniacs--they've been held in from recess for weeks because the temp was so cold.

  5. It is 4 degrees by me with a nightly dusting off Lake Champlain.

  6. Luckily most of uour plants are quite hardy E;izabet. I think we will lose a few of the more tender plants - ones that we simply should have gotten under glass.. ah well

    4 degreess? Oh wait thats 4F and not 4C isn't it?

  7. Aw. Welcome to my kind of Hell. But I shouldn't really complain, we've had no snow at all this winter before last Saturday.

  8. Amazingly my service carried on.. NTHell is doing something right for once!

    I am surprised that you have had so little Siv, I thought you would have had rather more than that. Still it took all of 2cm to paralyse the tansport system!

  9. Jams it is down to 2 Farenheight and expected to get to minus 13. I get a dusting of snow from Lake Champlain in the morning.

  10. Bloody hell Beakerkin... I am very glad to be here in the relative warmth! It rarely goes much below the upper 20s here.

  11. I haven't seen that many snowy flakes since I shook out my dandruffed hair last week! Have you cast a snowman and snowwoman in yours and the not-wifes image yet?

  12. Sadly not ewbl.. it was gone by lunchtime!
