
13 May 2007

A flying start?

Although it looks very much that Gordon Brown will not face a serious challenge for the labour leadership - he will easily brush aside a bid by either John McDonnell or Michael Meacher – it is good to see that he has come out fighting. It is essential he does this if he is to demonstrate to the electorate that his leadership represents a change of direction. The worst thing possible is that he is seen as the “new boss, same as the old boss” as it could well hand Cameron the keys to number 10.

Today’s Observer sets out Gordon Brown’sblueprint which includes:

• New eco-homes in specially designed 'green towns' so the public can buy affordable homes that have a low impact on the environment.

• Have doctors' surgeries open at the weekend and GPs on call in the evenings so that patients to not have to wait for appointments during working hours.

• Stripping Number 10 of some of the powers conferred on it by 'royal prerogative' - particularly the ability to declare war should only be done with the approval of
These of course are only a start but it seems that a change of leadership is already having an effect: A YouGov poll in the Sunday Times shows Brown closing the gap on Cameron (The Tories are now 3 points ahead of Labour, compared to seven in the last poll and a major drubbing just at the local elections).

Transferring elements of the royal prerogative (the powers exercised by the Prime Minister on behalf of the monarch) to Parliament is all well and good (yes it is good). However, to be on track to win the next election he will need to withdraw from Iraq (that should bring back some of that delivered protest votes last time or didn’t vote at all) and attend to the key issues that concern the voters, in particular the NHS. Brown does not have a magic wand but demonstrable progress will make a big difference.

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