
13 May 2007

Train wreck tv

It was Eurovision song contest time last night. Beers were drunk, tv was watched, cringeworthy songs were sung. the British entry came second from last - only Ireland did worse (and with good reason - the song was pretty dire)

I did say it was pretty dire...

The hot favourite to win was Ukraine's Vera Serdyuchka, the bastard hellspwan of Dame Edna and Elton John...(or the hellspawn of Sue Pollard and Timmy Mallet!) In the end the song came second

Possibly the most interesting song in the contest was Water by Elitsa and Stoyan, the Bulgarian entry. I think it came 6th or 7th. It did far better than the Swedish entry which I thought would be among the most successful

Okay so Ark had obviously been listening to Edison Lighthouse but I thought it had all the ingredients to go far.... In the end Eurovision 2007 was won by Serbia

So Marija Serifovic is now officially the greatest artist in Europe.... (how can I say that with a straight face???). If you are so inclined check out the official Eurovision website.


  1. I'm actually a huge fan of Eurovision.

    It's a brilliant mix of kitsch and continental politics. But last night was terrible for several reasons...

    1. The songs were worse than shit - save, perhaps Sweden and Belarus.

    2. The Eastern European stitch-up will ruin the competition. How can the rest compete against a squillian tiny countries all voting for each other?

    3. Too many Vampish female singers from Eastern Europe

    4. The car-wreck that was the French entry

    5. That utterly inane and annoying bubble-haired idiot that did the backstage stuff, grrrrr

    6. The fact that the response to the Brit entry (which was on par with most Europop output) was reflective of the awesome "success" of Blair's foreign policy. I though Israel would have given us some votes...

  2. I love eurovision too, mainly because it is a carnival of awfulness and always has been!

    I thought Sweden would have been in with a shout what with a tune ripped off of Eddistone Lighthouse, a look out of Velvet Goldmine and the guitarists obvious students of Mud and the Glitter band! ALas no.

    I agree about the bloc votes, they make a mockery out of the show. A few more years and I would imagine that some western european nations will follow Italy out of the competition.

    I quite liked the vampy females. I actually quite liked the Bulgarian entry.

    That lackwit who was in the green room should have been strangled!

  3. Oh poo! I missed it. I love it for the weird folk dances and freaky gimmicks employed by the hopefuls. Damn!

  4. You missed a wonderfully bad night Siani!

  5. Anonymous10:51 pm

    It was terrible, and OMG the French entry! Thank god for Terry Wogan and Apocalyptica. I did quite like the Swedish song tho.

    We need to get together for a Western Europe alliance.

  6. Can we see a musical iron curtain coming down I wonder....

  7. Can we see a musical iron curtain coming down I wonder.... - Jams

    Ha, I may welcome such a barrier to tat.

    I'm still coming to terms with the French entry.

  8. It was bad by any standard, even by teh standard of Guildo Horn.. be thankful I didn't blog it!
