
27 August 2007

Kelly Johnson

I was saddened only just to find out that Girlschool's original lead guitarist Kelly Johnson died of spinal cancer last month at the age of 48. I don’t regularly read the music press and I never read the obituaries in the Guardian or the Independent. Otherwise I would have known about her passing earlier.

Girlschool Drummer Denise Dufort has created a tribute page on Myspace . that is well worth visiting.


  1. I've never heard of them before. Huh. They're kind of like the naughty hard rockin sisters of The Go-Go's, who had Black Sabbath posters on their walls instead of cute little kittens.

  2. Indeed Ewbl. They had quite a bit of success in the early 80s but then they went downhill, I saw them in 1981 and they were very good live.
