
27 August 2007


A ladybird at rest on a blackcurrant sage leaf at the back of our garden


  1. Nice to meet another O'Donnell...I am from the US - My family is original from Inishkeel, County NYC, to the rest of the world.

    Wonderful photo!

  2. Hi Kathleen Marie. I'm sory to say that I'm not really an O'Donnell (although my name is very Irish and my parents are from Cork!. It's a reference to a favourite book of mine, the Poor Mouth, by Flann O'Brien. Jams O'Doell is the name given to the main characther by his school teacher.

    Thanks for visiting.

  3. I love ladybugs! You know, it's good luck to find one in your house:)

  4. Indeed. We love them because they are so beneficial in the garden

  5. Jams, hello!
    I just wanted to tell you I loved seeing your 'real' face :) I don't think I'd ever seen it before. To me you'll always be someone with a megaphone :) Maybe you could change your picture to Ted or something and that would really mess me up thinking you were a cat who could type really well.

  6. There you go Elizabeth. I didn't have you shrieking in horror! I'll still be using my Robert Calvert avatar though. Hmm Ted typing? I would dread to think what goes through that psycopath's mind!

  7. I thought the beard makes you look older than you really are......but you're still a little piece of English eye candy and don't you dare try to say otherwise!

    We call those ladybugs here. Ladybird is saved for the late Ladybird Johnson, wife of LBJ.

  8. Aww thanks ewbl.. In reality I look 80 but feel 90! Ah yes Ladybird. Didn't she die recently?
