
05 March 2008

Music inspired by a Wordless Wednesday post

This week Pelfy chose fish heads as the subject of her photograph for Wordless Wednesday. My first thought was "fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads. fish heads fish heads eat them up yum". It was a just a short step to you tube and a quick search for Barnes & Barnes.....


  1. **giggle** Oh, wow. It's amazing what you can find on YouTube!! Thanks for the laugh.

  2. Haha glad you liked it!

  3. I love fish, and the best part of a fish is the neck.
    I watched to whole video. It tells me a lot when comming to numbers of comments. Read my underline text, and you'll understand;))

    I think this is a splendid WW entry. But most people does not give their selfes time to discover something new and inventive.

  4. THanks Tor. I saw a WW entry and this song just leapt out 0f my memory!

  5. Fish Head Curry was a very popular dish when I was in Singapore. I managed to live there for over 5 years and never ate any. Lucky me.

  6. I think I would pass too but then I'm vegetarian!
