
09 November 2008

Remembrance Sunday


  1. Indeed, Jams. I was going to run mine on Armistice Day itself but decided to bring it forward and will post soon.

  2. It makes me feel so lucky to have my two boys and husband with me still. I am going to write on this on the 11th.

  3. I'll be posting again on 11 November. It is always a moving ceremony

  4. We actually have a statutory holiday in Canada for Remembrance Day so all memorial services are then. Do you not have one in the UK? This would really surprise me.

  5. Sadly not jmb. It would be an ideal public holiday in my view

  6. Our Veteran's Day is also on Tuesday. Very poignant picture.

    By the way, I didn't mean any disrespect whatsoever in my comments on the Field Of Remembrance post.

  7. EWBL beat me to it: ours is Tuesday. Very fine picture, jams; thanks for the reminder.

    I rediscovered the location of my uncle's grave recently; he was a paratrooper in W.W. II. He survived the war to tell the tale, actually, a lot of tales. My late father, gunnery officer on a troop transport ship in W.W. II, also survived the war, though he didn't talk as much about it. He is rather easier to find: he is in an urn in my living room. My observance will be the same as most years: displaying a photo of the two of them in uniform, and singing appropriate hymns where no one else can hear me.

  8. There will be another ceremony here on Tuesday. I will attend the one at my workplace - we have memorials to commemorate teh employees who died during the two wars

    No disrespect taken EWBL! Steve I like how you commemorate
