
15 December 2008

World's First Universal Herbal-based Antidote Discovered... If only!

A doctor in Sarawak has discovered what he claims to be the world's first universal antidote, which can cure a person of any side effects due to the presence of chemically-made or natural poison in the human body.

Dr Patau Rubis has claimed that the herbal antidote, derived from various leaves from the jungle can cure anyone who have been attacked or bitten by poisonous snakes, insects, bees or wasps or those who accidentally drink chemically-made poisons such as paraquat.

The 62-year Dr Patau is documenting Bidayuh traditional healing practices for medicinal purposes, said it was high time to protect the ingredients of many traditional healing practices in Sarawak to preserve them for the younger generation to do the research and market them commercially. "One cup of this herbal antidote has relieved four people from snake bites, wasp and caterpillar urine," he said, adding that his daughter, who was bitten by unknown "agent" on her left arm that caused itchiness on her skin, was cured with only one application of the herb on the bite mark.

Refusing to divulge the details of the ingredients for fear that outsiders will try to patent it, he said he had written to the Sarawak Health Department to conduct research on the herb and proposed that the Bau Hospital be the research centre. "I would like to try to help more people, while trying to find ways to protect the intellectual property for all who have and will contribute to a proper development of this herb into a patent label which can be marketed to benefit more people."

Hmm if he is telling a fraction of the truth then Big pharma will be all over him looking to get the secret. Sadly this sounds rather too good to be true. I would love to believe him, it would be nice to think that he has stumbled on a universal poison antidote.