
13 November 2009

Boris is comfortable

The not-wife is on the put you up bed downstairs leaving me to a double bed all to myself. Better that than a chance to catch swine flu overnight. Boris is particularly pleased in that it is comfortable and not far from the fire

This week's entry for the Friday Ark and Carnival of the Cats.


  1. "Boris is comfortable"...........he certainly is. I wish I could be as restful as that at night......then again cat's senses are so highly tuned if we humans were to experience it we would go mad instantly!!!!! so in that case he deserves every second of that sleep.

  2. 'Cause ya know, in the grand scheme of things, only one thing really matters: is the kitty cat content.


  3. Thanks.Boris is an idle fellow, even by cat standards. I think you're right EV. we would go mad if we were to experience the sensory world of a car

  4. Jams, since you are a cat person, I had a little question about cat disciplining... I discovered my little monster, Zeytin, has peed on the basement carpet... It is very unlike her... She is very good about stuff like this....

    How can I stop her from peeing on that little corner where she seems to be doing her business... Nowhere else, just that little corner....

    What is this about??? It is driving me mad....

    PS: This sounds like a desperate mail that one reads on magazines... :):):)

  5. Can cats get swine flu?

  6. Hope you are comfortable too.
    I'd like to be a cat in my next life.

    .…… /\„„/\
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    -I copied it and pasted it, from a facebook application, not my work...I have way more important things to do, like visiting and commenting on blogs :D

  7. BOY OH BOY that is one gorgeous cat!

  8. Awwwwwwww Boris
    You are looking so CUTE
    come over to me
    My Mommy & Daddy have a waterbed
    its so cosy and warm :-)
    We can sleeeeeep the whole day...

    Have a relaxing weekend Boris
    Kareltje =^.^=
    Anya :)

  9. I guess he doesn't want to catch swine flu either ;-)

  10. Bryan2:30 am

    Boris obviously has inherited the most important gene any cat can have - the ability to find the most comfortable spot in any environment.

    Nevin - that is marking behavior. There is something in that spot she is trying to cover with her scent as part of the natural territorial behavior of cats. There are several natural scent neutralizers that may help, but we are at a disadvantage because we can't smell what is bothering the cat. While you are trying to deodorize it, put a small litter box over the spot.

    Pets can catch H1N1, according to reports from US vets.

  11. Boris is definitely a "Boris", if you ask me...

  12. I'm so tired. I need a rest. As soon as possible, I want to come back, in this world, as your 5th cat...

  13. Byran thanks for answering the questions

    He definitely is Anneke!

    Claudia you will be welcome. THere is always a place by the fire for another cat!

  14. Well, as long as Boris is comfortable ...

  15. Boris does look very comfortable.
    Stay healthy.

  16. Indeed Liz!

    He is in rude health but very, very lazy!

  17. Boris looks a bit like our new guy Dante. He is the first orange long-haired cat we've had. It is amazing how affectionate he is . . . and yes, how he makes the entire house 'his'!

  18. We want to see Boris vs Ted on pay per view

  19. Well, this is just further evidence of the Great and Terrible Feline Conspiracy to take over the world. I mean, look at Boris -- all he has to do in order to captivate us all is -- sleep!

    We're done for. Resistance is useless!

    (Must... pet... Boris....)

  20. Thanks everyone. Boris is an utter darling!

  21. Looking good Boris - don't work too hard now,


    Gypsy & Tasha

  22. Haha no chance of exertion on Boris's part!
