
13 November 2009

Photo Hunt - Music

The theme for this week's Photo Hunt is music. Mercifully this is a no-brainer as I can present some photos I've taken at concerts this year:

This is France-based Iranian singer Darya Dadvar performing at her first ever UK concert back in May

Dame Pandora of french band Dark Sanctuary playing their first ever London concert which, sadly, was their last ever concert

My favourite artist of all time, Robyn Hitchcock performing a benefit concert two weeks ago for medecins sans frontieres.

This is what the artists sound like live . The Robyn song is called Airscape and is one of my all time favourite songs but the Dark Sanctuary and Darya songs are wonderful too


  1. what a varied taste in music you have! i wonder if we'll see also Britney Spears pictures here should she come to your town hehe

  2. You did a great job with the theme Jams. You must get to concerts a lot. I used to go out for live music a lot but not so much lately. Happy weekend.

  3. Gorgeous shots and beautiful music Jams!

    Lovley take for theme :)
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Beautiful music!!

    Happy Weekend.

  5. Great post - puts mine totally to shame.

  6. Excellent shots for the music theme. I have never managed to take good pictures at concerts, but you did a great job.
    Happy weekend.

  7. Glad you all like them!

  8. Musik wird störend oft empfunden / dieweil sie mit Geräusch verbunden. - Music as it's noise-related / is often not appreciated.

    Ha ha, Jams. Just could not resist.

  9. An unusually straightforward take on the theme from you, jams! ;)

  10. I can't believe you took such great photos as those concerts. Excellent job and thanks for adding the sounds too.

    Happy weekend to you.

  11. Jams can you recommend any albums by Mr Hitchcock? I really want to expand my CD collection.

  12. Great pictures for the theme :-)

  13. Wonderful choices, Jams! The photos are great and the music, even better. :-)

    I had a bit more difficult time, and dug way back in my archives.

  14. I don't attend music concerts and there aren't many in Singapore either.

    Happy weekend!

  15. Mine are some of the ones I posted for the "Entertainment" challenge some time ago but they are my all-time favourite music photos.

    Please also check out my update from last week's challenge...

  16. L'ombre triste: gloomy song, voix envoûtante...

  17. my photos at concerts are always too dark, or too blurry.:p

    thanks for sharing!

  18. Jams, i enjoyed the third video, the robyn one. thanks! somebody was commenting that this is unusual for u ..a straightforward take on the theme.. it is true :)

  19. Hi,
    I am such a big fan of music when ever i free i turn on my i pod and listen music from it whole day...
    I also searching for music info like lyrics albums singers and much more....
    My favorite music types are sad songs , Fast Rock and Roll type songs and some really Hip Hop...
    So this article will make me more better in music knowledge and also some kind of fun.....
    Thanks for sharing some valuable info...

  20. Good job. On topic. Love that jacket. Have a nice one. Very warm here.

  21. Hello

    Thanks for the comments you posted on my blog. Yes i am maintaining this blog for others.

    I have added your link.

    Please is it possible to add my link on your blog.

    Hope you could add mine.

  22. Anonymous9:19 am

    I love live music. Beginners, buskers or concerts. They all provide life to the music. Great choice for the theme (as always :) )

  23. Anonymous9:34 am

    I love live music. Beginners, buskers or concerts. They all provide life to the music. Great choice for the theme (as always :) )

  24. 0Yur taste in music is eclectic!

  25. It looks fun and entertaining....Happy hunting....

  26. Very cool!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  27. thanks for visiting. Have a great weekend.

  28. GReat voice. Thanks for the visit I do appreciate it.

  29. various artists, various music.

    great take.

    happy weekend

  30. What a great musical post. I admire your wide-open taste. Love that black and white jacket too.

  31. Great photos and choice of music!

    My Photo Hunt

  32. I figured you would have some unique artists' photos because you seem to enjoy music and concerts. That's wonderful! Great job.

    Like Colin, I think that's a fabulous jacket!

  33. Great selections. The further they go the more I like them. So different from Jack and Tyler.

    ps. I adore the part where she says "I have a better idea."

  34. All quite interesting. I listened to them all. The Iranian music (I'm familiar with some Middle Eastern music) has a distinctive upwards lilt to it.

    I have actually heard of Hitchcock before! (My husband is the music nut-- it was through him).

    Happy Photo Hunting! I hope you get a chance to visit my post today at New York Happy trails!

  35. How cool that we got to listen, too! That's what I have been missing from this theme.

  36. The best way to see live music - up close and personal. Far better than those concerts for 70,000!

  37. I thought you'd find the music theme easier than most. :) Darya Dadvar is fan-tas-tic!

  38. Nice photo and nice videos you're sharing. Thanks for dropping by.

  39. Love your photos this week. Fun videos also.

    Sigur Rós certainly is an interesting band. I really enjoyed the music while sitting next to the castle in Ferrara but am not sure I would play their music regularly.
