
12 February 2010

An old gent at his rest

Robyn is sleepy... for a change


  1. Why not? Robyn is very wise. I do the same, whenever possible! I'm lucky you're not around to take a photo of "Old lady at her rest." You would put it on the internet for the whole world to see...Ha! Ha! I would forgive you. As Robyn does....

  2. My son, Martin, says, "Mom, only cats'photos are on the internet. Because they look cute when they're asleep. We don't!!"

  3. Blimey! This reminds me of that it's 01:24. Time to fall into the feathers and put my head on the pillow.
    The peace of the night.

  4. Sweet dreams, Old Gent!:)

  5. Anonymous1:01 am

    Goodness, I do love cats; and yet they act like "evil bastards" sometimes. Why do they have to toy with their prey to the extend that it looks like sadistic torture? It raises issues, of morality, evolution, freewill... and of why do I have to complicate everything? Why can't I just love cats?

  6. I note that he chose to repose on imperial purple, as is his due, no matter what Ted might assume.

  7. Ah Claudia, tat is the thing about cats. Unline me they don't sleep with their mouths open with drool at the corner... except poor little Mimi of course

    And miaw and pirrs to you too Claudia and Sean!

    That is a good point Andrew! Wth cats we take a highly efficient predator into our lives but one that can give real affection, I say don#t over think but just enjoy them for what they are!

    Of course Bryan! Ted can lump it as far as Robyn is concerned

  8. Badly in need of brushing for decades

  9. Beak we brush hiim and two minutes later he is as scruffy as ever!

    He does Sandy!

    Ah yes Welshcakes, there's not a cat on the planet that cant fnd the comty place!

  10. Dreaming of tuna,no doubt. Or mice!

  11. Or magpies as he;s brought down in the past!
