
11 February 2010

What heroes are the Baseej continued

Not content to beat up a 65 year old woman Iranian security forces also tried to beat up opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi today

His son Mohammad Taghi Karroubi, told the BBC what happened when his father tried to join his supporters at the event in Tehran.

"There was heavy traffic leading up to Saddeqiya Street, so my father Mehdi Karroubi got out of his car with some of his friends and started to walk. As soon as the Green movement supporters spotted him they started cheering.

Special forces, the police and some plain-clothes forces then started to attack both my father and his supporters. They used tear gas, batons and other weapons. They were armed and some were carrying cleavers and guns.

They sprayed tear gas into my father's face, burning him, and he was also hit on the head with a stone. People in the crowd helped him to get away. A kind man gave him a lift but then the special forces started attacking cars.

They smashed the window of the car my father was in. My father is back at home under medication and doctor's supervision. He has breathing problems, his face is burnt from the tear gas and his eye is injured.

We are worried because I was with him on Students' Day [7 December 2009] and I saw a guard deliberately point his gun at him. Everyone who was there today believes that the violence used is beyond belief...”

I wonder what what those security forces say when their children ask them what they did at work today....


  1. They have no conscience. And they managed to beat up and disband the demonstrators on the celebration day. The Iranian ladies in my building are so concerned about family members.

  2. And I try to get Trafigura to release some documents - pitiful.

    Brave, brave people!

  3. It's so good that you're monitoring these things, Jams.

  4. Agreed no need for bowdler or spooner here!

    None what soever Claudia. I feel for the Iranian ladies, they are some of many expatriates who must be worried sick

    Calum don't do yourself down. your gadfly approach is far better than my calleing Trafigura scum and vermin (which they are of course)

    Thanks James

  5. Bastards. That's all I can say.

  6. Jams - If you go and look at Internation Musings, you will see that Hans has posted the Photo of the Year 2009. It represents Iranian women protesting, from the rooftops, the results of the election. The bastards could stop people on the streets, but not people on the rooftops.

  7. It makes me ashamed to see how brave these people are while I have yet to make a sign and go to Washington to hold it.

  8. Absolutely Welshcakes!

    Claudia, even that was no protectoin. THe Baseej marked the door of houses where people did shout Allahu Akbar on the roof. They often came back and smashed the houses up

    There is not muc we can do Susan but support the people of Iran in any way we can

  9. Oh, it's simple: they tell their kids how they saved the vibrant democracy yet again.
