Here is Big Pigeon.
Big Pigeon lives in London.
Big Pigeon watches people.
Big Pigeon watches me
Big Pigeon has a plan
Big Pigeon will not diclose his plan
Big Pigeon just watches
Big Pigeon waits
Big Pigeon is watching me....
Damn the theme is addiction not paranoia! Ah well I didn't have any addiction photos anyway!
Can't visit tonight Will be visiting tomorrow or Saturday
Good shot. He looks rather cute.
Ha ha ha. "Big Pigeon has a plan" reminds me of Battlestar Galactica. Love your mixed up take on the theme. And happy birthday to that handsome Robyn.
I got lost! The theme by the sidebar is addiction but yours ia paranoia than I also clicked tnchick's list and there's protection....now which is which`?
anyway, cute pigeon, the eyes say it all! :D
me too. :)
anyway love the pigeon!
Hahahaha - no appropriate pictures but you still want to play! Good on you!!! :DDD
You got me on this one!
Paranoid? Thought the theme was addiction. Then I got to the bottom of your post :) Not sure what I will post.
Have a nice weekend!
Clearly Big Pigeon has a Big Idea. That is something to fear!
Red eyes might indicate an addiction.
Enjoy your weekend.
haha... I love but pigeon. And his red eye and iridescent feathers
Pigeon and Addiction. Hard one to connect.
hehe... i can't believe you're playing this week.
Paranoia? Hmmm, I thought I posted for the wrong week. Good and catchy. :)
Mine is up here:http://www.slowtrav.com/blog/eden/
I think you're catching a lot of people out this week! That's a great close up of the pigeon, I think its their eyes that always make you think they're up to something!
LOL - perhaps the addition is the computer ot photography!
Love the mix up - now you have a perfect post if we ever do get paranoia.
The eyes are wonderful.
I'm curious, is there a particular personality that "big pigeon" refers to?
We're addicted to the themes too. We like you photo!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Your addiction seems to be paranoia;))
Hello Jams.
I agree with Tor up there! hahaha
Enjoy your weekend :D
Well you are addicted to taking photos so any photo from your collection would count
Not admitting your addiction, huh? Hiding it away behind this poor innocent pigeon and trying to get us offtrack!
Happy weekend Jams
aloha cherry pie,
i like your own interpretation of addiction , oops on that, but i love your paranoid state of mind.
come and check out my addiction on my sari blog, come join if you feel inspired.
For a minute you had me feeling paranoid - unsure if I had gotten the theme wrong.
I love the shot and words and when you think about it, paranoia and certain addictions go hand and hand. I can think of a few addictions that might make me think the pigeon is watching me with frightening intent. That's not to say I have any such addictions but long ago and far away some dabbling may have occurred.
THanks everyone. I know it was a rather cheeeky thing to do. But be aware, Big Pigeon will return!
Now I'm going to be regarding every pigeon I see with suspicion!
Yes There are birds and pigeons
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