
13 May 2010

DPRK creates artificial sun

Billions of dollars are being spent on taking nuclear fusion from the realms of stars and H Bombs and into our lives as a source of cheap, clean energy. At present it seems to be many years off, cold fusion experiments excepted.

That is until this morning when the Guardian carried a report that North Korea had done what the combined might of the rest of the world could not.

So it was off to the Korean Central News Agency which had this to say yesterday (12 May)

Scientists of the DPRK succeeded in nuclear fusion reaction on the significant occasion of the Day of the Sun this year....The successful nuclear fusion marks a great event that demonstrated the rapidly developing cutting-edge science and technology of the DPRK.

The nuclear fusion technology is called "artificial solar" technology as it represents a field of the latest science and technology for the development of new energy desired by humankind. The nuclear fusion technology for obtaining safe and environment-friendly new energy the source of which is abundant draws great attention of world science at present.

Scientists of the DPRK have worked hard to develop nuclear fusion technology their own way. They solved a great many scientific and technological problems entirely by their own efforts without the slightest hesitation and vacillation even under the conditions where everything was in short supply and there were a lot of difficulties, thus succeeding in nuclear fusion reaction at last.

In this course, Korean style thermo-nuclear reaction devices were designed and manufactured, basic researches into nuclear fusion reaction completed and strong scientific and technological forces built to perfect the thermo-nuclear technology by their own efforts.

The successful nuclear fusion in the DPRK made a definite breakthrough toward the development of new energy and opened up a new phase in the nation's development of the latest science and technology.

Needless to say the UK Branch of the Korean Friendship Association, JISGE (Juche idea study group of England) and ASSPUK (Association for the study of songun politics UK) have praised the DPRK for this great breakthrough Check out Anglo Peoples Korea Friendship/Songun blog (Type it into your browser!) for the relevant statements

As for international response to this momentous occasion? The response seems to be (gently) “Err, we think not!” And who am I to gainsay the international response?


  1. Nuclear weapons, here we [don't] come.

  2. Nuclear fusion reactors for each commune?

  3. Improve civilization place Galloway and Trotskyites in North Korea. The world will be a better place.

  4. Luckily not James.. or not more than they have or not the step to H Bombs...

    In their imagination Colin!

    Galloway coud be their roving Ambassador

  5. It would be funny if it weren't also very sad for the poor people stuck living there.

  6. Funny? No but ludicrous? Definitely. I do feel sorry for the people stuck with the regime.

  7. Jams

    You might have actually found suitable employment for Curious George

  8. And plenty of people to laugh at him!

  9. Anonymous8:03 pm

    As a physicist, I would not be quick to dismiss any claims made in the advancement of technology, however small you may believe them to be.

  10. My background is firmly in science. I don't dismiss lightly but I just don't believe the DPRK's boasts
