
13 May 2010

Schwarzwalderkirschtortegate: Victory for Dave Osler, Hurrah!

I know that this has already been reported widely across the blogosphere but I am delighted that the libel case brought by Johanna Kaschkeagainst Dave Osler was thrown out of court today (If you are unfamiliar here is the brief background set out in an earlier post).

Rather than rewrite what has been written far better by others I would recommend a series of posts written by Modernity (here then here, here and here).

Had Kaschke won then there would have been serious consequences, no just for Dave but for the British part of the blogosphere.

I would recommend Dave's own views on the casehere. Here's hoping that Kaschke's related actions against fellow bloggers John Gray and Alex Hilton receive the same treatment asap.


  1. That is good news :-)

  2. And may I add: bad news for Lady Johanna.
    To cheer her up I invite her to sew Omnium which means all, everyone, everything.

  3. ha ha ha ... ahem: sue

  4. Actually the sew was funny, Sean. She would dangerously prick her fingers if she would attempt to sew Omnium (all, everyone, everything....)The Omnium I know would have no problem on how to handle her!

  5. It is Cherie, very good news

    Haha Sean this sounds like a new task for Sisyphus! It gives a new meaning to "Stitch that"

    She would have very sore fingers sewing Omniun Claudia

  6. That is good news.

  7. It is Susan, the consequebces fir British bkoggers could have been massive

  8. Please read my side of the story
