
31 August 2010

What makes the Internet worthwhile II

A little while ago the The Wellcome Library announced the launch of a digitisation project, to provide free, online access to its collections, including archives and papers from Nobel prize-winning scientists Francis Crick, Fred Sanger and Peter Medawar.

Content will include 1400 books on genetics and heredity published between 1850 and 1990, along with important archives including the papers of Francis Crick and his original drawings of the proposed structure of DNA.

Okay we will have to wait a while for this. Users will be able to access the repository in September 2012 but it is good to see that such work being made public. For me Sanger is possibly the greatest living Briton.


  1. Oh sure. Publish all this great stuff just before the end of the world. Are they afraid the rest of us will catch up? Brilliant!

  2. I just went back to your previous post about Fred Sanger, and I realised the extent of my ignorance. I have to make the terrible confession (for a scientist) that although I knew about the DNA sequencing stuff which won him the 1980 prize, I did know about the previous one for his work on proteins. I have learnt something. Thank you :-)

  3. Haha Mojo. Still better late than never!

    There you go Ruth. And he's the sort of person who probably got nowhere near the BBC's list of 100 greatest britons!

  4. I love it when they publish stuff on line like this :-)

  5. Agreed Cherie an there is a hell of a lot more to come

  6. Thanks for telling us, Jams. I also love discovering poets, musicians, artists, specially of countries that we wouldn't visit because of deep political differences. It's marvellous to share the same humanity, the same need for freedom, the same hunger for beauty.

  7. Fr all the rubbish on the internet there are plenty of gems too. The digitisation of important records like this is great.

    Agan for all of the crap there is plenty here that can bring people together in peace and understanding... I wish they would anyway!
