
01 September 2010

Bloody Methotrexate again

But on the positive side my psoriasis seems too have improved a bit


  1. Read this hours ago. Hesitated. Came back. No comment yet. Obviuously not comment-hunting topic for, let's say, photo hunters.

    Phew, Seems the older I get the less time I have to be diplomatic.

    All, this my friend, fellow-Flannophile etc. just to say that I may think I can but that - de facto - I can't imagine your pain.

    And a pain for sure it is.

    ... Ah, all this just to write: My thoughts are with you, Jams. Need I say they are good?

    The peace of the night.

  2. It's not easy but I know you'll keep at it, Jams. You'll get good results. You're allowed to swear. Wishing you full recovery as fast as possible.

  3. Ah thank you! It's really just me whingeing. I shudder to think what it would be like if I was taking the anti cancer dose and not the anti psoriasis dose!
