
01 September 2010

Deep fried beer?

Place beer inside a pocket of salty, pretzel-like dough and then deep fry in oil for about 20 seconds, a short enough time for the confection to remain alcoholic. Et voila, deep fried beer!

According to the Telegraph When diners take a bite the hot beer mixes with the dough in what is claimed to be a delicious sensation (a scalded tongue?).

Inventor Mark Zable said it had taken him three years to come up with the cooking method and a patent for the process is pending. He declined to say whether any special ingredients were involved. Mr Zable has so far been deep frying Guinness but said he may switch to a pale ale in future.

Err It's a bit late (or a bit early for) April Fool posts and the source of this was not the National Perspirer or an Alium related website but I think I'll drink my stout in a glass as nature intended!


  1. A fun post! Now I want to know would this be counted as an appetiser, an entree or a dessert?

  2. OOps, should have read the article before posting that last comment, as I see a Texan is claiming responsibility. Sorry, haven't had enough tea this morning!

  3. Yeah, I share your view, Jams. Long as I am able to chew my pretzel without choking myself, I prefer to consume it separately from my beer.

    Besides, who knows what kind of beer the put in?

  4. And I thought I lived in the only place where Things That Should Not Be Deep Fried are deep fried. Seriously, the American South has a long and storied history of dropping everything into a vat of bubbling grease. Oreos, Snickers bars, phone books... (okay I made that last one up)

    But even here in the home of lard biscuits and bacon I have never heard of deep fried beer.

    It ain't natcheral I tell ya. It just ain't.

  5. The tradiitionalist in me screams: Pretzels AND beer not pretzels IN beer!!!! LOL

  6. Good point Gemma, perhaps it will be a side dish!

    Ah Knatolee I await the Canadaian invention of deep fried poutine in batter!

    Apparently it's stout Snoopy in the pretzel, The Irishman in me considers it utter sacrilege!

    I know Mojo, it is utterly ungodly!

    I think I will choose my beer and pretzels as separate entities too Kay!

  7. Yukkkkk!!!

    word verification - kitti :-)

  8. definitely not for me either Ruth!

  9. Ooh, now there's an idea, Jams!

  10. Yeah, I prefer my beer as a cool liquid, thanks very much!

  11. I would try it. Would go great with a deep-fried burger from Tasty Burger! :P

  12. I Will definitely pass LB!
