19 December 2006

Chim chim cherite, we are the bastards in yellow and white

The Pope’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone hopes the Vatican may one day field a football team good enough to compete with Italy's top flight sides.

The 72-year-old Juventus fan was speaking after he launched the Clerical Cup, a 16-squad tournament for priests and trainee priests in Rome, said "I would not rule out the Vatican putting together a top notch team in the future that would be on a par with Roma, Inter, Genoa and Sampdoria." He suggested that Brazilian seminarians alone would be enough for a "magnificent" Vatican team, while African and Argentinian students are also reportedly in demand by priest-managers ahead of the Cup.

Italian football has been plagued by match-rigging. Who knows, it might receive a moral boost form having a Vatican team in the top flight! It would certainly open the floodgates for a whole series of religious football puns such as the God squad while opposing fans may start singing “you’re going home in a fucking Popemobile”..

There actually is a Vatican City team but it has only played one “international” and that was against Monaco (not the successful French league side though).


Pete said...

The sight of dog-collared, football hooligans rooting for the Vatican team while smiting enemies with heavy crucifixes (AMEN!) would be awesom.

jams o donnell said...

Absolutely Pete! My team West Ham had the Inter City Firm, perhaps the Inter Faith Firm... Hmm I need to think more!

Frank Partisan said...

That was an incredible post. What next, mullah soccer?

jams o donnell said...

Enough teams and there is the chance of a contest to see which is the One true God! I wonder if the supportes will knowck lumps out of each other??

Steve Bates said...

Hmm... what are the consequences of defeating The Pope's Team? Do you get a red card from God?

jams o donnell said...

This could cause a dilemma.. red card from God (the catholic one) or red card from Allah. Could be a rough choice!