01 May 2009

Photo Hunt - Walking

My indisposition precluded much photography

Another Paeonia lutea bloom

Yet another Geranium versiolor!


Photinia spray

he theme for this week's Photo Hunt is walking. As readers will realise walking is something that I have not been able to do much of recently. My cast came off two weeks ago but even now I am not exactly mobile. Still, last wekk I did get out into teh garden on my crutches and I did work out how to take some shots while propping myself up. I have posted other examples of all of these flowers in teh last week (except the abutilon). Still I hope you enjoy what I photographed on what was a short walk in the garden


jmb said...

We take the basic skill of walking for granted until we cannot.

Still glad you can "walk" as far as your garden to share these beautiful flowers.

Happy weekend Jams.

Sue said...

Beautiful pics, and I wish you a speedy recovery! I can't imagine how frustrating it must be :(

MaR said...

Get well soon, Jams. Superb shots despite the limited walking !

Annie said...

Those are some awesome flowers! Wonderful photos. Glad you were able to get outside for a short walk, and hope you continue to feel better.

Carver said...

I'm glad you were able to walk out into your garden and take these beautiful shots. It must be so hard to deal with a long recovery like you've been going through. Hope you'll be walking more and more in the months to come.

CherryPie said...

I think the Paeonia is my favourite :-)

Kay Dennison said...

Yes we do take walking for granted.

Long ago I once spent 10 weeks flat on my back in traction. About half way through the ordeal my orthopedist gave me a simple exercise to do "100 times a day" for my legs. When the day came that I could sit up, I got dizzy and had to lie back down. The next day I had to go to physical therapy to make sure I could walk.

Amazing how important those muscles are and how we take them for granted.

annalarssonphotography said...

We do take walking for granted - but I'm glad to hear that you can move around a little bit more now :)

Beautiful shots Jams!!
And I know that your leg is getting better each day now!

Have a great weekend!

Photo Cache said...

Oh I hope you will be back to normal again very soon. Oh I love that geranium shot.

Leslie said...

Great flower pics for this week Jams. :)

Bengbeng said...

Jams, glad u havent lost yr pic taking skills in spite of the temporary 'hiccups'

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone.

Kay, Anna I realised over the last couple of months how easy iot is to take mobility for granted. I will treasure my abilities ever after.

Liz Hinds said...

Lovely flowers, jams.

That was a serious cast!

Mirage said...

Oh I didnt know that it happened...i hope you get better soon! Lovely flowers by the way...

RJ Flamingo said...

One step at a time, Jams, one step at a time... no put intended. Or maybe it is. :-)

Oh, that petunia and that geranium! Very striking!

Nice of you to stop by...:-)

ancient one said...

You really got some good shots on your short walk... That cast looked heavy... I'm glad you're out of it and getting back to walking again...

YTSL said...

Wow, Jams, seems like you've got a wonderful garden. And I see you don't use spell checker -- I laugh because "teh" with a capital "T" is actually my surname and the reason why I hate automated spell checkers! ;b

Frank Partisan said...

I agree with Liz, that was a serious cast.

Outstanding work.

LifeRamblings said...

i wish u the best speedy recovery. beautiful flowers btw.

Anonymous said...

Nice shots - pity about the leg. Hope it continues to improve.

Juliana said...

Beautiful flowers shot. Btw, I hope you get recovery soon...

My entry this week: in HERE. I hope that you can stop by as well. Thanks

Randi said...

I´m glad you are getting better now and that you are able to take a walk in your garden with all the beautiful flowers.
Jams - looking at your garden through the camera lens will help you recover sooner…*smile*

Aileni said...

You will be trotting about again before long. Your jaunt was productive anyway.

witsandnuts said...

My first time to visit your site. That was rather an extraordinary entry for this week's theme. Take care!

candi said...

These are amazing shots of the flowers! I am glad you enjoyed a little walk, and hope you feel better soon.

happy weekend:)

Blur Mommy said...

That's a huge cast! Hope that you'll recover soon. Great flower shots!

incoherent said...

i hope you get back to being fully mobile soon!

nice shots of the flowers.

julie said...

I hope you get well very soon :)

Those blooms are lovely :)

Tara R. said...

The case is a monster! Hope you're getting around easier now. Great photo for this week's theme.

The blooms are beautiful.

Ingrid said...

I should be pityful, but sorry I have to laugh and still do ! I think it is the most original walking picture of the day, hahaha !

But I admire your flower photos ! they are beautiful !

Gemma Wiseman said...

I really feel sorry for you! When you have something that you rely on daily and it's taken from you, it is then you realise just how much you need it ~ like walking.

I imagine you enjoyed finding a way to photograph those dselightful flowers!

Colin Campbell said...

Is beauty. Get those legs moving.

Lynn said...

Hope all will be fine soon. I guess you wouldn't miss your garden for the world. It seems you have a beautiful garden w/ all these colorful flowers.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

Goodness, Jams! You really went and did it, eh? Glad your cast is off and hope you have a speedy recovery. Respites in your beautiful garden should help.

June said...

I can feel for you...I broke & dislocated my shoulder a couple of years ago. That was bad enough! Best wishes for continued recovery!

gengen said...

Oh sorry to hear that. Happy weekend. Mine is ready.

Hootin Anni said...

Golly, this looks like a painful feat!!!

Happy weekend Jams.

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

Hope you are walking more soon!

eastcoastlife said...

Your right leg looks quite swollen. I'm glad you're getting better.
have a great weekend!

CRIZ LAI said...

Awww... I hope you feel better now. Take more rest Jams :)


Rebecca Mecomber said...

You're up! Good news! Keep on walking! And hang in there. :)

Mine is up. I hope you have time to check it out.
Happy weekend!

Unknown said...

So good that you are more mobile than you have been. Hope you continue to improve. Have a wonderful weekend.

Alice Audrey said...

That is some hard-core walking.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

Glad the cast finally came off. Hope you'll be back up and running soon. At least you got to the garden. Great photos too. Have a good weekend.

Anneke said...

One step at a time!

Love the photos, especially the Abutilon!

Makes me think of this series of photos I took a few years ago: http://public.fotki.com/Mudhooks/my_stuff/year_in_photos/2007/sat/img_1035a.html

PowersTwinB said...

I am happy to hear your cast is off, but yes, it will take determination to regain your strength. I always enjoy your photos, and thank you for visiting mine today! Sending you healing thoughts and love, Becci

srp said...

My mom has had both knees and both hips replaced, so we know well the agonies of the walk... first with walkers and now with canes. Short walks are a triumph! Sending good thoughts your way! Thanks for stopping by.

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

I bet when you saw this weeks theme... you knew it was just for you.
I hope you have a'Speedy' recovery~

Carin said...

Oh boy, thought you were mobile again in the meantime. LOL that first picture when you still had the cast on. Love the flower shots especially the Paeonia lutea bloom. It's beautiful. Wonder how you managed those black backgrounds.

Wishing you a speedy recovery and a happy weekend!

Daisy said...

Oh dear, that's the biggest cast I have ever seen! It must be hard to do a lot of things with that. I hope you are completely recovered soon.

The flowers are beautiful!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

I do hope you heal swiftly too it is no fun being a couch potato and I am only on my second day

Team Tabby said...

ouch, the top photo looks painful. Glad the cast is off, and hope you are on the mend. Your flower photos are wonderful.

Mindy, Moe, Bon Bon

Gabriel said...

I really hope you're doing better, Jams. Whether they were this week's theme or not, the pictures were just beautiful, so who cares. :-)


YellowRose said...

OUCH! I can sympathize with you, I've been housebound for a couple weeks myself and it's not fun! I hope you continue to heal!

Your photos of the flowers are absolutely gorgeous!

Patricia said...

I do hope your leg heals quickly and you can take that walk by the sea. Lovely flowers.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Hope you'll be able to walk without the walking aid soon :)

Irene said...

Get well soon. Thanks for dropping by :)

Heart of Rachel said...

Those are lovely flowers.

I really hope that you will have a fast recovery. Take care.

EG CameraGirl said...

Well, at least the cast is off! Now for everything to completely heal. ;-)

girasoli said...

Beautiful flower shots.

I hope you will be able to walk a little father every day. I feel for you. Physical therapy can be tough. Hang in there.