According to the BBC Iranian police have warned shopkeepers not to display female mannequins without a hijab, or showing bodily curves. Displays of bow ties and neckties, and the sale of women's underwear by men are also banned.
"Un-Islamic behaviour" has been targeted since President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's first election in 2005. "Using unusual mannequins exposing body curves and with heads without hijabs [Muslim veils] are prohibited to be used in the shops," police said i
Ach there goes my dream of selling Janet Reger knickers in Tehran. Is there a point to this post? Well it does further wreck my chance of getting an Iranian visa I suppose. Oh and it does give me the chance to post stock photos of mannequins...

Hey, that one on the left in the first picture - it rings a bell.
But you could model hijabs in Iran, you know. Not all is lost.
Reminds of Kurt Vonnegut:
"If Slivovitsj was for free, then nobody would be intersted in Religion".
If everyone could have free sex, the people in power would have lost their jobs
say no more
Not sure I like the headless ones, Jams.
How can they wear hijab when they have no heads? Confused as usual. Bow ties and neckties? Too Western? Sigh. I'll never understand that lot.
Hijab stylkes for the aestheially hallenged woman.. I oold be that model!
Now there's a thought Tor!
They were caught not weiring scarves James
It's all a bit dact isn't it jmb. To be honest I have no problem with the hijab or any non-face covering dress.. just so long as the person who wears it does so of their own volition.
"Oh and it does give me the chance to post stock photos of mannequins..."
Well it was an opportunity to do so!
I'm sorry I spoiled your perfect comment box but my typing was impaired by my laughter.
OK Jams you finally did it. I showed this one around. I can't decide which part was funnier - the part about losing your chance to get a visa versus having an excuse to post photos of stock mannequins. Just look at how the last one is posing definitely too hot for ACH.
I'm glad you liked it Pouty Lips! Seriously I would like to visit Iran. I have made friends with a number of artists who I would like to see on their home turf
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