29 September 2009

WW - Another Pere Lachaise statue

This week's entry for the Tuesday and Wednesday editions of Wordless Wednesday.


Anya said...

Its amazing
I love it,
it looks so peaceful !!

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Very nice when clicked large.

Unknown said...

Almost looks like a painting. Did you photoshop the trees? Whatever, beautiful pic!

Carver said...

I love the statue and also the way you photographed it.

Anonymous said...

Love the fx, Jams! And the composition of course.

CherryPie said...

What lovely textures :-)

James Higham said...

Do you like impressionism or pointillism, Jams?

Claude said...

Outstanding photo.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone

James I do like Impressionism and Pointillism but there are other styles I prefer

life ramblings said...

what an amazing statue.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous. Did you use a filter? Whatevr you did it is stunning!

Frank Partisan said...

Mystical looking picture.

catsynth said...

That is a very pretty image, with the soft "impressionism" filtering. But I also like the statue itself. She has a certain calmness and dignity.

jams o donnell said...


Catsynth, I was struck by this statue the first time I went to Pere Lachaise. I had to revisit it when here this year.

SandyCarlson said...

That is dreamy. You did this work of art justice!

Robin said...

Lovely dappled sunlight, it makes for such a soft subject.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Nice shot. It looks like a painting.

annalarssonphotography said...

This is truly an amazing artpiece Jams!!

I'm breathless!
Damn.. you're good! :)

Stephanie, Mama Dramatist said...


Pere Lachiase is a place I love. I hope to go back next year and bring my darling little one.


jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone. I did some very slight adjustment. I added a little Gaussian Blur but nothing else

Anna, you are too kind!

Stephanie, It is one of my favourite places in Paris

Ingrid said...

Looks as if you took a picture of each statue in this cimetary, lol !

Anonymous said...

Cool Gaussian blur well it was just perfect for this.
just love it!

Unknown said...

Nice job, Jams.


jams o donnell said...
