UPDATE - Just like an Ice Hockey World series we Have a Canadian 1-2!
Claudia ssaid it was at the Musee D'Orsay and while it is the roof and not part of a painting that is close enough. So a copy of the Poor Mouth will be sent to her
I hope Knatolee likes Sibelius as she gets the prize for the strangest suggestion
So Claudia, Knatolee if you would get in contact via the email address on my profile I will make arrangements to sent you your prizes
Here's a little challenge. The first person to say what this is a photograph of wins a copy of Flann O'Brien's The Poor Mouth.
Addendum. You can have as many goes as you like. The strangest suggestion will get a Sibelius CD
NB This is pinned to the top of the blog. Scroll down for earlier posts
These are your towels in your linen cupboard.
It's, of course, Sergeant Pluck's diaphragm while he's chuckling about the date which proves that you are 16 days ahead of the times, Jams.
Nice idea James but not in my linen cupboard
Haha Sean You deserve a prize for that answer!
I think it is an Xray of maybe your chest? Taken at the Doctors? just a guess.
please see mine here
Actually it's not my rib or any part of my body. That said I did go to teh docs yesterday with a rib related problem!
You recently stumbled through a Star Gate (a la 2001)?
Sometimes I think I am not of this world but i's not 2001!
Could be almost anything so I will guess a petals.
Not petals Cherie!
Close up of the "statue" below.... :)
Not the statue but you are the closest so far
well sort of, Nevin!
A statue was my next guess, so it is back to the drawing board...
As many tries as you want Cherie!
I know!! It's one of your cats.... close up of course...
Oh Nevin you're getten way colder!
LOL! give us a hint!!!
It is in Paris Sergeant but it's not about a bicycle!
Ah Nevin have a think about what I like
Pere Lachaise.
It's not Pere Lachaise even though I have taken many photos there
From a painting?
It's a music wave band, from a French song you heard in Paris. Or on the cover of a recent music album, or video.
Begging:I need that book desperately, Jams.
I cancelled my last effort because you said it's not in Père Lachaise before. I had missed your comment. Still trying, Jams.
I think it's in the beautiful water of your post Reflections.
the eifel tower lol!
thanks for your comment.
Ah Cherie, Claudia, Viel it is in Paris but not the Eiffel Tower.
I will give a clue. It is some form of Parisian structure
It's a mexican on a bike. These things always are.
The glass triangle thing outside le Louvre.
Shoah Memorial in Paris.
When do you want my address for the Poor Mouth?
Liz, Caludia, Cherie nice tries. You are getting sort of warmer Liz.
Actually it's a Morroccan on a unicycle Liz.. I jest!
It's a load of hyperbollix ;-)
Haha Stu!
Jams: Off topic, sorry. Ben has taken in other parts of the world, Italy, Chile, etc.
Its the Mona Lisa... obviously.
Of course, it's Rodin: The Kiss.
I knew it all the time.
I'm very glad to hear that JHL.
Sadly not a Giaconda Smile Mutley or a Kiss Cladia!
Part of a tapeworm?
Ah Snoopy no Annelids were photographed for the purpose of this quiz
It's a cosmic baguette on an acid trip. The poor little baguette was sitting on a marble table at a Paris café, waiting to be smeared with room-temperature Brie and homemade strawberry jam, when it was instead brushed aside in favour of a freshly-made brioche. The baguette was so depressed at being rejected that it rolled off the table onto the sidewalk, where it coincidentally landed on a tab of acid, right next to a pile of that ever-present Parisien doggy-doo. Being fresh and spongy, the baguette quickly absorbed the acid and started on its wild-and-wonderful but black-and-white trip. Whilst flailing about, the spurned baguette (somehow animated) depressed the button on the camera you had carelessly left at your feet while you were guzzling café au lait. A linen napkin fell past the lens just as the shutter clicked. Voilà !
So. Did I guess right?
Histoire fantastique, Knatolee!
Alas! It's "Detail of a Versailles Urn."
Sssssigh... I was so sure that "Stoned Baguette" was the correct answer, my fellow Canuck. :) But I'm sure the Versailles Urn is equally fabulous.
Ah it's not a Versailles Urn Claudia.
Oh Knatolee I wish it was a baguette on acid! You are in pole position for a Sibelius CD though
I'm searching here and there
in your own little sphere.
I'm going everywhere.
Yet, I'm getting nowhere.
Actually what you ask
is a difficult task.
It's so sad but I'm out.
Poor Mouth I'll do without.
cher vieux.
If you wish, laugh well...
In the trap, I fell!!!
Claudia please don't depair
you still are off but getting there
Look up indoors and you will see
what I took in gay Paris
I saw something similar this morning sitting on the dentist's chair... I normally close my eyes and expect the worst, then I slowly try to have a look while keeping my eyes as closed as possible and that's the way I see the shining lamp.
I can assure you that this is above something far more pleasant Mar!
Un café au lait, M'sieur?
Ou peut-être un cognac?
I did have a cafe there Claudia!
this is so exciting. i wish i knew what it was :)
La Grande Mosquée de Paris? En tout cas, une mosquée à Paris...
Ah Claudia it's not the Grande Mosque, beautiful as the building is but it is on the same side of the Seine.. on the South Bank
C'est au Jardin des Plantes sur la rive gauche de la Seine.
It's not at the Jardin Dest Plantes but it's not far away a lot closer to teh Grande Mosque
Euréka.......Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle.
Oops I misled you with my last post. It is a museum and it is south of teh Seine but further West
I'm in Paris right now. If I fall in la Seine, during the night, it would be a nice way to go.
Voir Paris et mourir.....
Douce nuit, mon ami!
I can think of worse ways to go Claudia. And now to bed
Bon nuit!
Was fished out la Seine at 3 am. That river is very dirty.
The mystery photo was taken at Le Panthéon. I cannot find your post about it. Probably a military sculpture. This is my last effort.
I had fun, Jams. Thanks!
Ernest Borgnine's mouth?
Oh Claudia it isn't the Pantheon.
Yegods I would not pay admission to his mouth, never mind that he won an Oscar!
A close up of elephant wrinkles ??
Haha Gattina!
Reminds me of the Guggenheim....
Ah Tor nice go but it is Paris
Anneke not the Guggenhei but you are definitely along the right lines.
Part of a Impressionist painting in Le Musée d'Orsay à Paris.
You have such good taste in Arts, Jams. Félicitations!
Hi Jams,
I am looking for a place to send a simple comment to you. Hope it's alright to leave it here. Just would like to thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment on my blog.
Best wishes,
Christina WIgren
You're welcome Christine!
CLAUDIA CLOSE ENOUGH! Actually it's the roof of the Musee D'Orsay. So a book will be off to you asap
Hip! Hip! Hurrah!
Bravo! Hourra!
Thanks, Jams.
Fantastic! Oh my, I'd like to thank my father, my mother, my chickens down in the coop, the lady who cut my hair today... waaait, this isn't the Oscars? OOops! Nevermind. But I happen to LOVE Sibelius (I'm not kidding. I have a music degree and I studied classical clarinet for half my life!)
And congrats to my fellow Canuck who actually got the right answer instead of concocting something delirious! :)
Hurrah! for you too, Knatolee. It's a fantastic tale. Will you get it published? Let me know. I'll buy 100 copies, at least....
Confratulations to both of you!
Dear Bonaparte O'Coonassa in Corkadragha,
I am not worthy of this great honour. Celebrating, in advance, The Poor Mouth soon-arrival in my humble abode, I'm lifting my glass many times to your and your not-wife good health. Slà inte! À la vôtre!
Your forever Canuck friend.
Your copy will be en route but I do need your address Claudia. Send it to the email addy in my profile
It makes me think: "Have another Twinkie Sweetheart."
It looks like rolls of flab.
Haha No and I promise never to put up any self portraits either!
Hey, Claudia is more of a suck-up than I am!! I need to grovel more. Uh, I hoist a chicken in honour of you and your lovely not-wife. How's that?
I am honoured knatolee... Please do not hoist the bird up a flagpole though!
this was a fun post. i read thru all the guesses by the readers :)
Glad you liked it BengBeng. It was fun. I'll do another soon
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