10 December 2010

The delusions of Vince Cable

Last night the Government has won a key vote on the proposed increase in student tuition fees. The theoretical majority commanded by the coalition is in excess of 80, the vote passed by just 21 votes, Over half of Lib Dem MPs either abstained or voted against the proposals

Despite this Lib Dem cabinet ministerVince Cable is firm in his view that his party he Liberal Democrats are "united" despite last night's rebellion over the rise in student tuition fees.

The Business Secretary said the coalition would be "stronger for the experience".

"It was a difficult day but I think we are stronger having been through this experience.

"We are united, we will go forward and I think the coalition will be stronger not weaker for the experience."

When reading these words why does this man spring to mind?


Chris H said...

What have you got against Comical Ali to compare him to that comedian?

Francis Hunt said...

Aaagh, it's disgusting ... and it's not just happening in the UK either. All over Europe the hard fought goal of free third level education is being rolled back by neo-lib/neo-con governments. The aristocracy of wealth has regained control.

jams o donnell said...

Ah Chris Cable isn't that bad!

Sadly so Francis. I was fortunate to have my education gratis unlike modern day students

susan said...

Next they'll be charging the protesters for their stay in prison.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Yes, the likeness is unmistakable.

jams o donnell said...

Ah now that would be the return of old traditions Susan!

Welcome to te Por Mouth seany.. Glad you liked this

It is eh Snoopy, I'm not the first to make the comparison though