The title of this blog comes from a Gaelic expression -"putting on the poor mouth"-which means to exaggerate the direness of one's situation in order to gain time or favour from creditors.
I'm releaved (after initially seeing the heading) that this didn't turn out to be a photo of your backside. And given Calum's comment "Looks like a fireball expelled from the mass above", it would have been very painful.
Looks like a fireball expelled from the mass above.
The moon's on fire. Like Calum said. :)
As if Miss Moon were blown up by Hawkwind.
How was the concert, Jams?
Thanks everyone. There is a bit of jiggery pokery to the shot. Not a huge amount but
They played well Sean but at times the sound was awful. Someone screwed up the sound mix
I'm releaved (after initially seeing the heading) that this didn't turn out to be a photo of your backside. And given Calum's comment "Looks like a fireball expelled from the mass above", it would have been very painful.
Haha Jimmy. It would have to be a Phal to cause something like that... I stick to kormas these days!
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