03 June 2011

Star crossed lovers (Photo Hunt Dirty)

© 2011 Shaun P Downey

Their eyes met across a stamen: one an ambush predator, the other a simple collector of nectar. It was a love that should never be, a love that would disgust the other denizens of the  Hope Cottage gardens. Never before had a Hexapodan* embraced a Cheliceratan* but that did not concern Crabeo and Hoverette.

Personally I think it's dirty and this in keeping with this week's photo hunt

* Hexapoda is the subphylum (unit of taxonomy) that includes insects includes all insects; Chelicerata includes spiders


Carver said...

Fantastic shot Jams and a creative use for the theme. Happy weekend.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks Carver! I only took this about 20 minutes before I posted it. It was a fine piece of bending the theme.. as is my wont!

Susan Demeter said...

Awesome shot! And definitely a unique take on the "dirty" theme :)

Claude said...

Amazing that you find such critters when you need them.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks Sue!

It was good luck but the not wife is always on the look out for interesting creatures in the garden. We know that somewhere there will be a crab spider. The best luck was finding it with a captured hover fly

Anonymous said...

hahaha, but honestly what a great shot,.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks Ewok!

jmb said...

LOL. Wonderful photo and very imaginative waffling on to fit the theme. Happy weekend.

Mirage said...

Lol! well, awesome macro! haven't been around for some time...whew! Glad I joined in today to see your post!

jams o donnell said...

jmb, mirage, thanks!

YTSL said...

Hmmmm, I think they're only doing what comes naturally: attract and be attracted! And look at the sweetness that results!! ;b

YTSL said...

P.S. If you want... real insects doing it naturally photos, check out my blogs for butterflies, grasshoppers -- and, most spectacularly -- dragonflies! :DDD

Liz said...

Wonderful shot. I love your take on the theme "dirty."

Have a fabulous weekend!

Liz @ MLC

susan said...

It's truly a magnificent picture. No matter the theme your work is always fascinating.

eastcoastlife said...

haha.... your version of 'fatal attraction'.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

The colors are exquisite. It is like that fly was looking for a matching background. Female fly prob'ly...

B i r g i t t a said...

Amazing shot!


Anonymous said...

A very naughty take on the theme. I love it!

jams o donnell said...

Thanks Archie. I don't have the heart to point out that Crabeo is dining on Hoverette!

Unknown said...

this is wonderfully dirty! *LOL*
love your take on the theme!

Anonymous said...

Great take on the theme!

Anonymous said...

great shot - and even greater twist on the theme. we'd expect nothing less from you! LOL

Have a great weekend.

ancient one said...

Funny take on the theme.. Love it!

Ingrid said...

That's a great macro shot !

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome close-up. Great job, as always. Hope you're doing well.

Susanne said...

What a great close up!

srp said...

Ah, yes! Beautiful picture, but one wonders.... who survived the affair?
My take on dirty is here.

Sparkle said...

I think they BOTH look pretty tasty...

Liz Hinds said...

Brilliant photo, jams! And amazing text!

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

Colin Campbell said...

Good job. Bending the theme? Surely not.

jams o donnell said...

Bend a theme Colin? Perish the thought!

Knatolee said...

We all know this is just going to end in tears for one of them!

CherryPie said...

That is a great photo and perfect for the theme :-)

James Higham said...

Their eyes met across a stamen

Classic opening line.

jams o donnell said...

It already had for the hoverfly Knat!

Thanks Cherie

Thanks Jams. I am pleased with it

magiceye said...

superb capture!

jams o donnell said...

Why thanks!