25 April 2008

Photo Hunt - Sign

The subject for this week's Photo Hunt is funny or unique signs. Since I have never photographed a funny or a unique sign I'll just have to be satisfied with these:

This sign is only a couple of hundred yards/metres from my house. Many see this as a chalenge

A little further away is this sign. It is only for the more experienced. People are advised to work up to the longer distance. Someone who did not heed this advice has set out what happened in the bottom right hand corner.

But there is no excuse for ignorance. There are other warning signs that set out what may happen to the over eager:

For example you may end up walking with bow legs.

or suffer knee damage. I can't think of any other meaning myself...

And this is of course one of the humps. They do make sure that cars drive slowly down these roads. Hitting one of them at anything more than walking speed will jar your back and destroy your suspension!


Susan Demeter said...

HaHa! These are all great for the theme! Happy photo hunting, and thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Carver said...

Good take on the theme. I wish we had those in neighborhoods. We have them in shopping centers but not on the regular roads.

Barb said...

I love the Humps signs! I would have loved to have those humps where I used to live!

maryt/theteach said...

jams, I remember when I was in Boston last summer they called these traffic "bumps," "humps" too. Must be the British influence, eh? Ha!

Very funny signs! :D

ancient one said...

This is a funny post. I don't think I've ever seen the hump sign around here..ha ha

Anonymous said...

Oh that's gorgeous! Just love it. They are called speed bumps over here in Australia.

Anonymous said...

That is funny Jams. We call them road bumps here. I call them a bother...

Anonymous said...

Yikes! That does seem like a dangerous situation. That's one way to get 'em to slow down, right?

Great shots. Happy Hunting.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks. Glad you like my offering

TorAa said...

Road signs can (and are) funny in many ways - as you so eminent have demonstrated here.

I do think my traffic sign is more serious with consequences out of or fantasies

Have a great weekend

Frank Partisan said...

Those are bumps in Minnesota. The B can be painted over.

Sarge Charlie said...

humps galore, hey that could be an XXX rated movie.....Have a great weekend in the land of shamrocks.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've seen a humps sign before. Here it's speed bump. Great signs.

Tokenhippygirl said...

I love those. I took a photograph of a humps sign last September when I was in England. Made me crack up. And you're so right, the humps are serious! :) Great shots!

Anonymous said...

Wow, lots of humping going on!

Colin Campbell said...

One of the great things about our street are the humps to slow traffic. Apparently it used to be a speedway prior to their installation. Unfortunately they are in two parts and motorbikes can still drag race up the middle.

It would be interesting to be in a transport committee meeting as they discuss how to design signs.

Have a bumpy weekend.

Katney said...

Great choices. Here we have Rumble Strips. Elsewhere Speed BUMPS. Near my daughters, though, they have Speed Humps.

Mi sign and its story will be up in a few hours.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

LOL~ That's a lot of humps to put up with when driving! Let's hope none of the drivers feel a split headache upon reaching their destination!

jmb said...

We call them bumps here or traffic calmers are the official term but the signs say bumps. Bumps or humps, I hate them and they are spreading like a disease.
Have a good weekend Jams

Anonymous said...

This is a fun post! Love it.

Have a great weekend.

maiylah said...

fun post! you're lucky they put signs over the humps ... here they sometimes don't!
happy weekend!

CRIZ LAI said...

I got the wrong interpretation that there will be a 650 yards long stretch of humps. Isn't it going to be a bumpy ride? :P


Rach said...

We have those on the road I live on, I'm sure they're meant as a deterrant rather than a challenge!

Corey~living and loving said...

oh my word....that is hilarious. :) well done. The knee one....tee hee....sure...knee....yeah!
happy weekend.

bonggamom said...

My first boyfriend and I always used to make dirty jokes whenever we'd go over one of those humps.. :)

Joyismygoal said...

those are naughty

Leslie: said...

These are hilarious! I think I can also think of different "meanings" for some of the signs. lol

Anonymous said...

This is so funny. Great signs :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful stuff, Jams. Great take on the theme, and I agree - it has to be a problem knee - - -
8wandering off chuckling!*

Flo said...

Love your interpretation of the signs. I have those humps in front of my house, only we call them 'traffic calming devices' Not that people are very calm when they have to slow down to go over them :)

Mine's up over at Flo's Place

MaR said...

There are no signs for the humps in Spain, drive at your own risk!!
Love your collection of unique signs!
My pic is posted here. Happpy PH and happy weekend.

Indrani said...

This is indeed a fun post ideal for the theme. :)

Anonymous said...

Haha. Fun post you have for this theme. :D

Barbara said...

There are so many of these humps near me, I drive across 7 to get to my house. Not good for my back.

LibertyBelle said...

Those are fabulous! We have one that shows a car going into the water down by the harbour, which means - turn or drown!!!
Great choices!
Drop by and see my sign - it's a gas!
Happy weekend

Liz Hinds said...

They are horrid things those road bumps. AS for what that bendy sign might be, I can't imagine ...

Unknown said...

LOL, we call them speed bumps here.
The bendy sign shows a narrowing of the road Liz ;)

Nice choices for today.

mrsnesbitt said...

You have to laugh!
Wait till you see mine! LOL!

Nita said...

Great take on the theme. Mine is up as well. Hope to see you there!

Anonymous said...

I think quite clear instruction.. In Malaysia, we have difficulties to drive with the signs.. :(

Anonymous said...

great one for the theme, mine's up too hope you can drop by. Happy week end!

Anonymous said...

cool for the theme... mine's up too hope you can visit. Happy PH!

eastcoastlife said...

hahaha.... those are hilarious takes for this week's theme! I hope you are not one of the heroes who challenges the humps! hehe....

Hootin Anni said...

I am literally choking on my breakfast. this is just too funny for where my mind always goes with this kinda stuff.

Perfect Jams.

Mine's posted...stop by and see if you can figure it all out!!

Anonymous said...

If it's a residential place, I wouldn't mind the humps. And you have a unique interpretation of some of the road signs up there. :D

Harajuku PearL said...

good choice...i was just giggling away....!

Pearl - have a good day ahead

Anonymous said...

well i guess those humps are serving their purpose eh? ;)

mine's up HERE. hope to see you there! :)

CherryPie said...

LOL :-)

I am with every one else I hate those road bumps!

James Higham said...

Twould be nice if we could on call like that.

Tink *~*~* said...

Well, goodness! I cannot fathom the novelty of living in a place where humps happen for 3/4 of a mile, right outside my front door! :D

Thanks for visiting this week!

Tink *~*~*

Anonymous said...

LOL! Love the bowed leg one!

Dragonstar said...

Jams, I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about (heeheeheeheehee)

Anonymous said...

mine is up...and it involves dragons.

The speed humps are annoying...and yet may be lifesaving (at that particular point in the road)


Gattina said...

We call these humps "sleeping policemen" lol !

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Haha!! Great signs. Some of the neighborhoods have these speed bumps. Wish there were one in front of our house!

Anonymous said...

VERY funny collection of signs.

Karen Coutu said...

Oh my gosh! Those made me laugh.

Have a great weekend!!! Great signs!

threesidesofcrazy said...

LOL - strange funny signs.

PowersTwinB said...

Oh my..we call them BUMPS here lol..but good idea to keep the speeders down..My hunt is up, please come and visit

Heather said...

Most places around here call them "bumps" but our local high school has Caution Road Humps signs. :)

Sandy said...

I really laughed at that Hump one....LOL

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

The pics and your take on them have given me a good laugh tonight, jams.

Anna said...

These signs are perfect for these week theme. I had a hard time finding pictures for this week theme as well. Thanks for sharing...
Mine is up
Every Beat Of My Heart
A Little Bit Of Everything

Anonymous said...

great pick for the theme! and i got a good laugh

sammawow said...

I think we saw signs regarding "humps" when we were in Louisiana last year and we found it very funny. Great take on today's theme with your signs!!!

Sandy M said...

I've looked at lots of signs tonights and this is the first that made me almost pee my pants! Hilarious. Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

Fun take on the theme this week!

My funny sign is up, too... come visit! :-)

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I live for photographing oddball and misspelled signage around here. Maybe England has less in the way of crappy signs to choose from?

Hope you feel better soon. My kids all cycled through the 24 hour flu last week. There was no coughing and no spitting but it involved a lot of shitting.

I'm so poetic. :)

Heart of Rachel said...

Great finds! I think those humps are in the best interest of the people living there. I'm sure they feel less worried about speeding vehicles.

jams o donnell said...

Verily thou art the bard of Texa, EWBL!

jams o donnell said...

Thanks to everyone for your kind comments. I 'm glad you enjoyed my entry