30 September 2008

WW - face

Another image from the Pere Lachaise cemetery This week's entry for the Tuesday and Wednesday edition of Wordless Wednesday.


Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

This statue fits well into a cemetery.
Happy WW(Tue) :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, awesome shot!
Happy WW(T)!

SandyCarlson said...

The peace in her face is still apparent! Great shot, Jams.

eastcoastlife said...

She was a beauty. She braved the elements. :)

Mojo said...

Still compelling despite the ravages of time and the elements. The mark of truly great art, non?

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful face. I really love this sculpture.

Camera Totin' Idiot said...

Very nice. My wife and I have been known to take out cameras to the cemetery on many occasions.

Anonymous said...

Hubby has visited before, and I certainly hope to go one day! Your images from this cemetery are stunning! Granted I LOVE funerary art :) Happy WW :)

My WW entries for today are at:

Pastyme With Good Companye

The Paranormal Blog

Nuttin' But

Please stop by if you have a moment :)

CherryPie said...

Another lovely one from the cemetary.

Anonymous said...

Very mysterious looking face... Great shot!
Happy WW! :-)

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone

Dragonstar said...

I like the bright leaves against the stone, but somehow that face has a softness - lovely!

Pretty Life Online said...

Great sculpture! Love your shot... Happy WW!

TastefulThursday said...

Cool one for wordless,,, Hope you can see my WW entry too.. Happy WW!

Gabriel said...

Great picture. Have a great WW!!!

My post will be up in three hourse here.

Gabriel said...

Oh, I meant 'hours', not 'hourse'... :-)

Maggie Moo said...

So beautiful...I love the different shades of greens in the leaves too.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Love the different shades of green and grey in this shot as well as the face.

Jim said...

Hi Jams, been missing you. I guess you had to go to the cemetery to see if you had missed anything. I can't id this one. :-)
Happy WW! (I've got a dumb cat on a YouTube today.)

Rhonda Gales said...

It's very detailed, and a bit weathered. Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

I rather like the corkscrew curls! Happy WW.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the Dr. Who episode "Don't Blink". For a second I thought I was on Matthew James Didier's site. He's the one who always does the Dr. Who posts.

Maddy said...

The contrast is inspired.
Best wishes

nancy said...

Great shot. You could make a huge story and it holds lots of history

Anonymous said...

the face reflects so much sadness..

Ingrid said...

Would need some cleaning !

catsynth said...

That is certainly a face rich with detail and history.

Forever Foster said...

This is beautiful. She just looks like she belongs there, doesn't she.

Forever Foster said...

This is beautiful. She just looks like she belongs there, doesn't she.

Hootin Anni said...

Wonderful Jams!!! Love the angle of the shot...you always amaze me with your photography.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Mom loves to walk through old cemeteries. She's never had her camera with her though.

DNLee said...

Happy WW. Cememtaries can be some beautiful places. Odd, I know.

Unknown said...

Happy WW! Remarkable beauty in that sculpture from a time past...

Thanx for your earlier visit! I invite your blog readers to see why Jenny Craig is a multi-millionaire on my WW-post this week. I gotta go do some sit-ups...

peace, Villager

Anonymous said...

that's a beautiful sculpture. i've always thought sculptures or art that has been weathered by time and the elements have greater appeal to the senses. :D cheers!

New York Cheesecake with Caramel
Father/Daughter Bonding

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

Great shot Jams. I love the detail of the curly hair.

TorAa said...

Marvellous and exciting.
I have also posted a portrait on this WW - but very different - LOL.

Kat said...

Once again - great shot. I love the angle!

jams o donnell said...


Anonymous said...

Such a peaceful expression. A lovely picture

Anonymous said...

superbe photo de père lachaise lieu magique

Cascia Talbert said...

Very interesting. Nice photo. Happy WW!