Jobbik will become the first European party to try to gain a significant foothold in Britain on Sunday when it holds the first meeting of the British Jobbik Society. The party already has links with the BNP and is part of the extreme right European Parliament grouping, the European alliance.
Jobbik’s meeting will be held in Kentish Town, North London. The party website said that its aim was to ensure that Hungarians living in Great Britain “understand and support the national values and the programme of Jobbik”.
Jobbik has been accused of provoking racial tensions in Hungary, and during this year’s European elections the party blamed the country’s Romany population for the decline in Hungarian living standards.
Jobbik is one letter away from jobbie* which is an apt description of this racist rabble. This bunch of scumbags can piss off back to Hungary. They are certainly not welcome here
*For those unaware of Scottish slang, a jobbie is a turd, which is about their level.
We don't need any of these imported groups from whatever side of politics. If they're extreme, they can go home.
Ah, and Krisztina Morvai is their Adolf.
I am not surprised they would get a warm welcome by BNP. There's much to learn for them.
[word verification: pressare]
They are not welcome here. Full stop
I am amazed how all this hysteria
goes on with almost no Jews in the UK.
I still disagree somewhat with what
causes the far right phenomena.
Muslims are not very organized. They have formed a disastrous alliance with the far left. The alliance consists of 24/7 hysteria about Israel and dependence on social programs.
The more conservative types failed
to discuss some basic truths and
have allowed room for the lowest forms of populism on the right.
If you said the following the cocktail set would be up in arms
Immigrants should be expected to do the following
1) Respect others
2) Obey the laws of the host nation
3) Be gainfully employed
4) Learn English
5) Enter and exit legally
6) Attend schools
These are not very extreme ideas,
but when is the last time a mainstream politician said these
Beak the jewish community in the UK is small by say US or Israeli standards but it is still one of the larger communities with about 300,000.
Jobbik is the bastard child of the scum the Arrow Cross who collaborated with the Nazis in WWII and helped in the slaughter of Hungary's hews.
THey are not welcome here. THere is enough latent antisemitism dressed up as antizionism.
I have never supported cultural relativism. It is inherently racist in my view in that it applies a lower standard of behaviour on other groups. THat does not mean that we canot and should not respect cultural differences. THat is essential
As for immigrant communities. As far as I am concerned I do not care a fig what langueage they speak what gods they worship, what foods they eat so long as they adhere to the basic laws of the land, and the vast majority do.
All should have a reasonable comand of English if for no other reason their life may depend on it at some stage.
I agree Claudia, they are a cancer
Jobbik that is, Claudia!
That's what I meant, Jams. We need immigrants, in Canada. We have very nice groups of people who arrive here, grateful for the welcome they receive, and ready to settle and become a useful part of the community. But, now and again, we receive disturbing elements which come only to propagandise politics which are totally alien to our culture and way of life. It's like an infiltration. I hope this Jobbik stays out of here. But I think our Jewish and Roma communities will keep their eyes open.
Agreed Claudia, immigration means an expanding economy and greater prosperity . Jobbik can get lost
More bad news!!
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