14 December 2009

Yesterday’s Times carried a report conducted within Muslim communities across Europe. The indications are that British Muslims the most patriotic in Europe, although than a quarter in some parts of the country still do not feel British.

The report, funded by George Soros, the billionaire philanthropist, found that on average 78% of Muslims identified themselves as British. This compares with 49% of Muslims who consider themselves French and just 23% who feel German.

The findings, based on more than 2,000 detailed interviews, suggest that Muslims may be better integrated in Britain than in other parts of the European Union.

The report appears to contradict previous research in the UK suggesting some Muslims are failing to embrace British values. A Populus poll in 2006 claimed that 7% of British Muslims believed suicide attacks on fellow civilians could be justified. The debate about the integration of Europe’s 20m Muslims was thrown into sharp relief last month when the Swiss controversially voted to ban the building of new minarets.

Many Europeans worry that aspects of Islam clash with their own values. The Soros study, however, found that strength of religious belief made no difference to how patriotic Muslims feel. Conducted over two and a half years, the report involved 2,200 in-depth interviews and 60 focus groups in 11 cities across Europe with large Muslim communities. The cities were chosen to be representative of varying levels of integration and cohesion across the continent.

The survey found (perhaps unsurprisingly) that levels of patriotism are much higher among second-generation Muslims. In Leicester, 72% of Muslims born abroad said they felt British; this figure jumped to 94% among UK-born Muslims.

Although a small minority of British Muslims have fallen under the influence of Islamic radicals, the survey indicates that Muslims here, like other immigrants, assimilate. The stupid or evil acts of the small minority focused on while the everyday business of the great majority is ignored but then that is the desire of those with agendas on both sides.


EG CameraGirl said...

Interesting survey. I just happen to have had a chat with a Muslim born in Egypt who came to Canada at a fairly young age, though he still has a tiny bit of an accent. He has become very Canadian and is quite critical of Muslims who don't become part of the culture they move into. I was surprised since Canada is proud of its diversity and few Canadians insist that others blend in. Of course, so far Canada has not had any terrorism attacks...just treats. Canadian attitudes could change dramatically if we were attacked.

jams o donnell said...

There are some things that all immigrants should do - learn English )or French in the case of Quebec!), embrace tha basic values of the country, ovey the laws.

This is what the vast majority do. How they worship, what they speak at home or what the eat or wear is of not concern

Claude said...

Don't want to take the spotlight away from this interesting survey on Muslim people. But, as Canada was mentioned above, I would like to point out, very sadly, that half of the Quebecois don't feel Canadians, and don't want to belong to the British Empire. They're not immigrants. They've been here before the British. Canada is still surviving and succeeds in maintaining its unity.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks. It provides an an interesting perspective Claudia.

James Higham said...

Yesterday’s Times carried a report conducted within Muslim communities across Europe. The indications are that British Muslims the most patriotic in Europe, although than a quarter in some parts of the country still do not feel British.

Patriotic to what?

beakerkin said...

Be wary of anything funded by the vile George Soros. He is as close to a James Bond villain as one could get.

The survey should have asked questions about obeying laws and respecting others. A person can feel patriotic but trample the rights of others. Can you respect the laws of the land and that other cultures are different? Can you respect the rights of others who live differently.

I believe he is a wanted man in Malaysia. It would be nice if he could be given a fair trial.

jams o donnell said...

At the end of the day the great majority of British Muslims don't want to trample our rights

Susan English Mason said...

Inquiring minds want to know what you think of George Soros. Well, one mind anyway...mine.

jams o donnell said...

Mixed feelings.. half angel/half demon!