07 June 2011

Musatoid and Musaceous

Back in the 80s, the puerile *but funny) comic Viz created a character called Tommy "Banana" Johnson. Basically young Tommy Johnson had a large banana which he tried, to put to use as a hairdryer and a telescope - much to the irritation of the person needing help. In the end a policeman stick the banana up young Johnson's jacksie.

In a subsequent story Tommy meets the same fate but in this episode Viz uses the word Musatoid to describe something with banana-like properties. While it is a wonderful word it was probably created by the writer. The correct word to describe something that appertains to a banana (or a plantain) is Musaceous

And he point of this being? Strangely musatoid and musaceous have never appeared together in an internet article etc.

And the point of this being? I have nothing better to do than write this!


Anonymous said...

I think I'm confused

Stan said...

I'm glad you did write it, Jams. They're both fine words. Browsing the very few Google hits for musatoid, I wonder how many were Viz readers...

jams o donnell said...

Haha I'm always glad to confuse!

I love musatoid Stan. It deserves to have wider use, just like the Not the Nine O clock News created word flange to describe a bunch of baboons

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Musaceous. Sounds good. I shall use it in a conversation soon. Hopefully with enough listeners to impress, so thanks.

jams o donnell said...

Glad to increase you vocabulary mon ami. Use with sweet abandon but make sure that what you talk about is truly banana (or plantain) related!