30 September 2006

Blip or Good News?

Cameron surrendering the Tory lead?

Following on from a bloodless and well behaved Party conference the Daily Telegraph gives faint hearted Labourites as me a little boost.

It carries a Yougov poll which indicates that the Tory lead that had opened up over the course of this year has been slashed with both parties currently level pegging at 36%. This compares with a similar poll last month where the Tories were showing a seven-point lead over Labour

The poll also suggests that just over half of voters do not know what the Tories currently stand for, while Cameron’s own personal approval rating is down from 46% at the beginning of the year to 35% now.

I know full well that one swallow does not a summer (or a White House intern famous) make but this sort of result indicates that if the Party can avoid fratricide (voters will always punish disunity) during the coming leadership election and get on this the business of government then maybe a fourth term can be ours


elasticwaistbandlady said...

I'd vote for that dude just based on this picture. It's obvious that Cameron makes great shadow puppets and would be a lot of fun at parties.

jams o donnell said...

If he can make his shadow puppets enact scenes from the Karma Sutra then I might just become a Tory!!!!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I had the extreme misfortune of learning what a "Dirty Sanchez" is yesterday, jams. Don't know what it is? Looka at this delectable little pastry for the clue and then look at the fact that there is a site called porn bread.com.


jams o donnell said...

There is a tv show on MTV called Dirty Sanchez.. Jackass with Welsh idiots instead.

I can saaure you that if I attempted such a thing with the not wife I would get my fingers broken!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Blah, I live in a sparkly little bubble, and preferred not to know what that meant. Although, part of me laughed at the porn bread.com thing.

How can you tell if someone is acting out the KamaSutra in shadow figures or if its really supposed to be an elephant?

jams o donnell said...

The porn bread thing was funny! The Karma Sutra? well a finger pupeteer would have to dislocate his or her fingers to do it properly I am sure!