20 September 2006

Only the Stones Remain - the Soft Boys

It was whule in the Soft BOys that Robyn Hitchcock released his first records, including the 1980 masterpiece Underwater Moonlight. This song must have been filmed sometime around 2002 during the Soft Boys' brief reunion . The guitarist Kimberley Rew went on to play in Katrina and the Waves. Their winning the Eurovision Song Contest was the kiss of death for them but Walkinmg on Sunshine is not a bad pension plan!


Frank Partisan said...

Sunshine is a good sing along kind of song.

jams o donnell said...

But oh so irritating when you can't get it out of your head!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I heard a Robyn Hitchcock song just this very morning and thought about you, jams! It was titled something like, "You Know It's Love" or "You Know You're In Love." I was working and didn't pay a lot of attention, but the song was very appealing.

My Dad suggested the name Katrina for our second daughter, but all I could think of was that lame Sunshine song. Now, of course, Katrina And The Waves is synonymous with Hurricane destruction and death. Papi's first choice was Monica, just weeks before the Lewinsky story broke. Lucky girl that she got saddled with neither of those names.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I just listened to the song in its entirety. Do you think that it's some sort of obtuse slam against The Rolling Stones? If so, I like it a whole lot better then!

jams o donnell said...

Ah that would "So You Think You're In Love. A pleasant song and was a single was back in a round 1992.

Ohh Doh! Katrina and the Waves..That never ocurred to me until now believe it or not!! Ah Monica now only if you want your daughter to suck on the President's stogie.. Me I would ban my daughter for doing so as smoking is bad for you!

I have never Robyn slag off the Stones, but when every one is dead it'll be Keith Richard and the Cockroaches so in a sense it will be true.. Only the Stone remains!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Gall stones, kidney stones, and one Rolling Stone. Oh my!

jams o donnell said...

Perhaps it's the gall and kindney sotens which along with a fossilies liver that keeep Keith Richards standing! You have to admit he has the look of Oetzi (the Ice Man found in the Alps) or a Bog Body!