01 December 2007

Photo Hunt - Red

The theme of this week's PhotoHunt is red. There's not much left in the garden but it's good to see the first berries on the holly


Liz said...

Oh so that's how a holly berry looks...lol. We don't have that in the Philippines. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Great choice for the theme. Mine is up at http://mlizcochico.com. Happy hunting!

MaR said...

Beautifully red!!
Happy weekend :)

ipanema said...

great hot! i love the colour and it's very shiny! :)

happy holidays!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I tried to upload the photos again. I hope you can see them now. Thanks for dropping by http://mlizcochico.com.

ellen b. said...

Makes me want to sing "the holly and the ivy or is it berry..." time to take out the Christmas cds..Happy hunting...

Pat said...

Oh what a great festive photo!!

Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

This is really red. Beautiful! Happy weekend to you (=

SabineM said...

Very lovely Holly Berries!
Great choice for RED

Anonymous said...

Feeling like a "Red coming out from Under the Bed" this week after our federal elections, I love the Chrismassy feel to your post. Even though we in Oz do not have holly fruiting at this time of the year :)

Blogger have decided to change and make it hard for me to leave comments but my entry is here

Anonymous said...

Love it! So Christmasy!

Lana G!

Katya said...

Excellent macro, again! I love the little red Holly berries...they really add so much color to the season!

Anonymous said...

You picked a great pic for red and for the season...good job! Hope your weekend is a great one!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

That has cheered me up!

PowersTwinB said...

Great photo of the berries! I love the look of holly! My photo is up, please come and visit

Natalie said...

That's so vibrant! What a great photo for the RED theme! :)

My photo hunt pictures are up now too! :)

Heather said...

So beautiful!

Colin Campbell said...

Not too much holly here in Adelaide. It is the first day of summer today with 37 degrees forecast. I am still adjusting to boiling hot Christmases.

Anonymous said...

great red idea!
happy hunting


Talk..to..Grams said...

So red Happy Hunting!!

Corey~living and loving said...

quite festive. I love it.
happy weekend!


Awesome and so red. This is the first time i've seen Holly Berries.

Hootin Anni said...

Cool!!! You never cease to amaze me with your photos! This is so bright and so vivid in coloring.

Great job.

Momgen said...

wow red berry... nice choice..
mine is here


Blur Mommy said...

Great photo! I love holly berries!

My PhotoHunt photos are up too

maiylah said...

such a vibrant red! lovely shot!

happy weekend! :)
My PhotoHunt post

Satkuru said...

looks like you are already in the Christmas mood :P love the shot.

My version of red :)

Have a great weekend ahead !

Lynn said...

I could munch on these berries. I can hear the virtual crunch as I bite them on my mind, lol. Nice picture.

Lynn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carver said...

I love the shot of the holly berries. Almost looks like a painting. I hope you have a good weekend.

eastcoastlife said...

First time I see a berry close up! What a beautiful red!

Alix said...

Lovely shot - the holidays are coming!

Anonymous said...

Not sure if it left my first comment, but a job well done. Nice to see the first berries. Have a good weekend.

Hey it's Amy Benson said...

Very pretty berries!
Nice, clear photo.
<3, Amy in AZ

PastormacsAnn said...

Wow, what a lovely photo! Perfect for our "red" theme this week. Nice choice for The Hunt.

Anna said...

wow this is just beautiful. Love it...TFS...
Mine is up now too

jmb said...

Red indeed and very beautiful photo. Have a great weekend Jams.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

Secret Agent Mama said...

James, what a great macro shot!

Mine are here!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Terrific photo! The red of the berries is so vibrant. :) Great choice for this week's Hunt. :)

My red photo.

Ingrid said...

They are red, redder, reddest ! I think here they are more darker.

Dragonstar said...

Now that's RED! Mine have come out all orangey. My holly still has green berries (sob!!)

Daisy said...

Oh, those are so red, and perfect for the holiday season!

A. said...

Lovely berries! The birds will have them soon, no doubt!

Ladynred said...

Nice shot of the red berries.

My photo hunt

Siani said...

Lovely, seasonal red berries - and a great pic. Have a fab weekend!

Heart of Rachel said...

Those are lovely, shiny red berries. Great shot.

Team Tabby said...

Oh, that is a very festive photo. We love the red holly berries.

Our holly has a few berries as well.

Moe & Mindy

TeacherJulie said...

Those red holly berries look nice, and very red.

Have a great weekend :)


Anonymous said...

I don't think I have ever seen them that close up before! Great picture for the theme and the season.

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

Anonymous said...

Beautiful seasonal red shot! Mine's seasonal too - but differently so. :)


Weird Dan said...

holly berry?


Gemini and Ichiro said...

That is an amazing photo. It's so clear and large--I love it.

Mommy Lutchi said...

this is a great shot, love the red color.Mine is up at 4 Seasons Of My Life and

2Cents Worth . Hope u can visit me too. Take care.

Katney said...

I am finding it fascinating how diverse the entries are this theme.

jams o donnell said...

thanks everyone!

Liz Hinds said...

Gosh, I've never looked at holly berries that closely before. Wonderful photo as always, jams.

Mark said...

Managed to get some great shots of holly this week, had to be qiuck before the birds eat them.

Crazy Working Mom said...

Sure sign of the holidays! :)

Great post.

Thanks for stopping by.

TAB said...

Very pretty!

Anonymous said...

nice share for red theme!

happy weekend!


maryt/theteach said...

As usual jams, beautiful photo!!
Thanks for visiting me. :)

Rach said...

very red and very seasonable! :-)

Cynthia said...

Great photo! I love the color!

YTSL said...

Very seasonal as well as red! Good choice! :)

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Mmm... looks good enough to it. Thanks for visiting, and have a great Sunday!

Andree said...

I love holly. It's loaded with so much meaning and legend. A wonderful photo.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous close uo shot. You have inspired me to go and take photos of holly. Sorry this is late but the farm is very busy at the moment.
Sara from farmingfriends