18 December 2007

Wordless Wednesday - A few favourites

Swan at Langtons

Alium coming into bloom

Hoverfly and Hebe

Mountnessing Windmill

Path at the Chase

Horse at the Chase

This week's entry for the Tuesday and Wednesday edition of Wordless Wednesday will be my last of the year. Christmas is not just the season of goodwill but a perfect excuse for tv stations to show "classic" repeats. In the same spirit (and because I am inherently lazy), I present a few of my favourite WW entries of 2007. Happy Christmas and thanks for visiting


MammaMayMiller said...

Jams - all so so exquisite!! Thank you for this feast :) You really have a special talent...
Have a wonderful Christmas


Beautiful photos. My favorite are #1 and 2.

Susan Demeter said...

Love the path shot! Looks so spooky! Happy WW, and happy holidays!

Jim said...

Hi Jams, this is great! I might try that next week but I doubt it.
My vote is for "Horse at the Chase."
BTW, I must have put the wrong link, the one with Nebraska snow pictures.
Sorry, the correct WW is

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Jams, I love the windmill picture. Some of these are new to me, I must have missed them.

Have a Merry Christmas.

Richard Havers said...

Jams, love the windmill. My father grew up in Dunmow so I have a soft spot for anything Essex....well almost!

eastcoastlife said...

What a collection of beautiful pictures! I always love looking at your photos especially those of flowers.

Merry Christmas!!

tammi said...

Jams, those are just beautiful pictures -- although the horse is definitely making light of your photographic genius in that last one!!! I love the picture of the flower just starting to bloom. What am I saying? I love ALL these pictures! You're always the first link I go to every Wednesday; I look forward to your entries each week.

I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas!! See you in the new year!

ellen b. said...

These are all such lovely photos! I really like the windmill and the path...
A very Merry Christmas to you and yours...

SandyCarlson said...

I remember some of these from this year, Jams, and I am so glad you did a reprise of your best. They are wonderful. God bless.

Momgen said...

Wow thats interesting pictures....Mine is here.

poor man's nicole richie said...

you are a genius! i love them all especially the horse. he/she seems to be so graceful.

ICJ said...

Beautiful photos! I especially like the "path in the chase" and the "windmill" ones! Amnazing! :-)

Happy WW!


Liz said...

Beautiful photos! Loved the graceful swan on the first photo. Happy WW!

Tina said...

Thank you so much for showing them all - every single one is a hit! I can't decide which I like the best... can't wait to see more next year :-)

Happy Holidays!

Jenn in Holland said...

Ooh! Favorites, indeed. When are you coming over to guest post at Looking Into???

Bloggers said...

Those are so great!! I love them all. Just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff, and I can remember some of them! Has it been that long? ;-)


(Sorry about the link, stupid Blogger)

janet copenhaver said...

I can see why they would be favorites.

Thanks for the comment and caption idea on my wordless Wednesday shot.

mommy3 said...

Gorgeous photos! Thanks for stopping by my WW. Happy Christmas to you :)

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

The Lone Beader® said...

I don't like to look back. I like just to keep movin forward!

Although your photos are beautiful. :D

Anonymous said...

Wheeew, speechless...those photos are great.


Anonymous said...

Lazy posting Jams, that's outrageous! I particularly like the hoverfly and path at the Chase.

letha said...

I adore the swan and the path at the Chase, of course all your photos are great but they are my favorite.

Anonymous said...

I love your pics! I think my favs are the swan and the horse. Beautiful!

Rene Perez said...

LOL! I've been enjoying the classics as well. And your swan is much prettier than the one I posted last week. Of course, mine was made out of a pine cone. Enjoy!! See ya next year!!

Sandee said...

Beautiful Jams. I'll see you next year. Enjoy. Have a great WW. :)

LadyNoor said...

They're just beautiful, and I love the swan one!

Happy WW!

PA said...

Great photos, they make me want to get out and take more myself.

Lori said...

Awesome pics...I love them all!! Happy WW.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Always impressive Jams. That Alium bulb is fantastic. WOW.

Joyismygoal said...

I see why those are awesome

Anonymous said...

The Mountnessing Windmill is my favourite. It's a classic shot.

I have nothing special this week but you are always welcome at my blog:

Happy WW!

Cynthia said...

Those are great shots...love the horse!

RW said...

Great photos!! Good WW to you & Happy Holidays!! Idaho Daily Photo

HartofDixie said...

What a great photography. Just magnificent! Love it all.

Cheri said...

I like the wind mill shot.

MaR said...

These are fascinating shots, what a treat to have your favorites in one post! Happy WW and Merry Xmas!

Ingrid said...

Wonderful pictures, my favourite is the horse !
Merry Christmas to you too and don't get square eyes with watching too much TV !

chartao said...

impressive photographs here, will be looking forward for the best of 2007 collections!

Merry X'mas and Happy WW!

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone. Have a great Xmas

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Beautiful photos! :) I really like the one of the swan and the horse. :) Just gorgeous! Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Anonymous said...

Every single one of those photos is beautiful in it's own right.

Shelia said...

They were all exquisite. Love the horse, I missed that one.

Merry Christmas to you and your family Jams!


DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

Great photos, I enjoyed them. Happy WW, and happy holidays!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Every one of those is beautiful, but I would have to choose the horse as I think the Haflinger is of the prettiest breeds you can find. (I hope it is a Haflinger now I have said that, lol.)
Have a lovely Christmas.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I LOVE that swan picture! It looks like it could make the cover of a romantic bed and breakfast pamphlet or an ad for wedding planning services...

jams o donnell said...

Glad you like it Ewbl... Whod athunk I would create something romantic!

A Free Man said...

Your classic repeats are better than ITV's! Beautiful shots and happy holidays.

maryt/theteach said...

jams, thanks for the 2007 repeat photos - they are wonderful!

Have a very Happy Holiday, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Siani said...

Great pics - my faves are the allium and the horse. Happy WW!

L.L. Barkat said...

You picked some that have also been MY favorites. Love that windmill. And the horse, on his way.

Mamarazzi said...

like all of them but i love love love the horse with the tongue out...love it!

Vixen of Vixensden.com said...

I see why you call them "classics". All are great. Have a wonderful holiday.


Patois42 said...

Love your reasoning behind the "best of" photos. Merry Christmas. Thanks for sharing these. They are all wonderful indeed.

Autumn said...

Those are just awsome. I was going to tell you which one was my favorite.. but I just couldn't decide, I love them all.

Michele said...

I appreciate you dropping by. I love the Alium... I grew it in the garden all the time. It was a favorite with the bees and butterflies. You're work is outstanding.
The Rocky Mountain Retreat

Heather said...

These are beautiful!

Daisy said...

I like the horse because he is sticking out his tongue! And he has pretty blond hair.

Queen of My Domain said...

Wow such a stunning array to pick from. I can't decide which is my favorite since I loved them all. Enjoy your classics!

Sophia said...

Wow what great pictures!!!!!

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Jams, I was here last night and totally loved all these photos. Was too tired to type a comment, so now am back to do so. You have captured such beauty in each and everyone one of these photos, and I am glad you chose to show them to us again... for those who missed them the first time, and because they deserve to be viewed repeatedly.

Thanks for visiting 'us'.
Happy Days to you!!

Alice - I Was Born2Cree8

Reba @ Reba's Run

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Ootstanding shots, I love the swan's one best.


Aaron Murin-Heath said...

Awesome shots.

Merry Christmas to you, too.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks.. Merry Xmas All!

Steve Bates said...

The swan lake (so to speak) is stunning! Happy Christmas, jams!

Melanie said...

What beautiful photos! I love your choices.

Have a wonderful Christmas!!