29 February 2008

Photo Hunt - Party

The theme for this week's Photo Hunt is party. The problem is that it's ben ages since I went to one. The last one was for my mum and dad's golden wedding anniversary. Their parish priest made it extra special by presenting him with a benemerenti medal. Sadly those photos are stuck on a broken external HDD. Ah well so it's going to have to be something insect related instead. Our garden in June and July is a magnet for insects. It sometimes feels like it's a party and and most of the phylum arthropoda is invited!

Hover fly

Bumble bee

The ever present crab spider


And finally a couple of lily beetles in the process of creating more lily beetles


Susan Demeter said...

Very good shots! The spider freaks me out though :)

Have a goodly weekend!

Anonymous said...

i like you interpretation of party. i am pretty sure not a lot of us have pictures of an actual party. very well executed :D besides that, i couldn't agree more with sue, very good shots :)

have a great weekend !

Carver said...

I absolutely love your party shots in the garden. During the summer, I try to photograph the insects partying in the garden but except for butterflies, I rarely get any good ones. You got some great shots. I hope you have a fun weekend.

jmb said...

Stretching it again Jams. These are fabulous photos, I wish I could do these wonderful close-ups. Maybe I can. I should read the manual.
Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are awesome, so clear and sharp. I would love to know what kind of camera you are using.

bonggamom said...

I'm sorry about your hard drive and hope you can recover your photos. I do love your photos and, like static brain, would love it if you could share your photo tips, i.e. lenses and settings, etc... I just got a Canon Digital Rebel XTi and am excited to begin shooting some great photos!

david mcmahon said...

I was going to say the first shot was my favourite - until I saw the last shot!

Keep smiling


Unknown said...

all of the shots are so beautiful! Love em!

Tokenhippygirl said...

Those are some beautiful shots!

TN said...

"Sadly those photos are stuck on a broken external HDD"

Jams - how borked is it? Will it still spin up - drop me an e-mail I may be able to help.

Katney said...

Those are incredible!

The insects wait till summer to have their parties here.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Bugs party!!! :P
The crab spider freaks me out a little. The lily beetles seems to the ones having the 'party of their lifetime' :P

Rach said...

Great shots, but I think that's one party I'd prefer not to go to - insects freak me out!

PowersTwinB said...

I would expect NOTHING less than your magnificant photos! Love the beetles! MY hunt is up, come on over for an early visit

Unknown said...

What a clever thought! Those are wonderful shots!

Natalie said...

The bugs in that last photo really know how to party! That's such a funny capture!

CRIZ LAI said...

The lily beetles sure know how to party.. hehe :P

Tom said...

Beautiful subjects and shots. Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

I'm so afraid of spiders too but the spider crab looks cute.

Liz said...

Lol, the beetles are having a party too ;)

MaR said...

Great garden parties!! even though I am not very fond of insects...
Happy Party!

Anonymous said...

Love your colorful photos :)

Carin said...

Wow I really like these photo's. The shots are really clear. Especially the lilly beetles picture is great! It made me laugh, thanks!

Anonymous said...

How detailed can your camera get! They're all great pictures. My fave though is the first one.

Anonymous said...

WOW - what amazing insect photos!!

Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

I am having a similar problem - I am NOT a party animal. Your interpretation may be loose but it's great to look at. My entry will be up later.

Unknown said...

Very creative! Thanks for sharing your party animals, Jams!

The dragonfly and the lily bees are my favorites :-)

Happy Hunting!

Anonymous said...

Well the lily beetles were post certainly having a party :) Great interpretation!

Rajson said...

Thoose lilly beetles are so beutiful but what damage they can make!
Lovely shots you are such a great pfotographer

Jersey - The Furry Diva said...

Just beautiful!

Happy Weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh Jams....I bet you get tired of me ranting and raving about the beauty you always seem to capture. But once again....you did great. [love the crab spider on the pink petal]

I hope you can drop in to view my two party themed photos. Have a terrific weekend.

Hootin Anni said...

Jams....I just opened my own blog comments and read your comment you left me....You met Tony Blair?!!! Oh how neat. Even if it WAS work related, it musta be a great experience for you. Way cool.

Colin Campbell said...

There is so much going on in our gardens that we don't really see. Your photographs remind us of that.

Barb said...

Honey, I shrunk the garden party... Personally, I love your interpretation! Every day should be a party!

My cats love, love, love to catch Dragonflys and bring them in the house.

Anonymous said...

Spring certainly is in the air. Great photos and have a good weekend. Mine is up, please stop by.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks for visitng everyone. I'm glad you liked the photos. The photos werre taken either with a Nikon D50 or a Nihon D200. Some were taken with a standard 18-55mm zoom lens. One or two were taken with a Sigma 105mm macro lens.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I showed my son your photos and he enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hi! It is my first time to see a crab spider! Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! You have super super duper good shots! And I like the way you define this theme. Happy weekend (=

Anonymous said...

Such great photography, but that last one made me LAUGH!

Trinity said...

WOW... SO BEAUTIFULLY SHOT! That red beetle are really having a party! :-D

Ingrid said...

Your pictures are as beautiful as usual and you even managed to shoot an insect love party, lol !

Daisy said...

Are the beetles playing a game of Twister? That is a fun party game.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

That last one should have a soundtrack to it.

Maybe John Paul Davis' 'Love Is In The Air?'

eastcoastlife said...

I attended parties for dog and cat ....... First time in my life I attended an insect party! hehe...

Sarge Charlie said...

great photos, nice garden party

Cindy said...

Looks like we won't need to create any "buzz" about your party, it's already got plenty! Great pictures!

Smalltown RN said...

Those are wonderful photos...but I absolutely love our take on the theme...that best I have seen yet..just simply wonderful...

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm a stranger but anyway,
Nice shots!, I love it , love it, love it =),do you have pictures of dancing objects(people)?
Thanks for posting, I'll link this blog so i can see other photographs =)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pics. I'll be partying in the garden this Summer, too if we ever manage to get it sorted!

Heather said...

That's a relief--I am not keen on people parties and they were starting to get to me. Your take makes me think of Alice in Wonderland. Beautiful photos.

beakerkin said...

Plant pornography and intersecies sex between plants and insects . Mother nature has no morals.

Harajuku PearL said...

Wow, these are great shots..I love the dragonfly and my oh my aren't those lily beetles are having party of their own..;)

Have a great weekend!


Haydee said...

love your party series! I adore taking photos of bugs and insects, only they are a bit tricky to take.

The Lone Beader® said...

I'm not a fan of the spider. LOL.

Dragonstar said...

I love your garden party! One of these days I'll take photos like these . . .

tx sweetie said...

awesome shots.very nicely done and very pretty insects. i like the last photo of two red insects..doing..what are they doing? happy hunting.

check out mine here;
Crazy Filipinas Party

TorAa said...

A food party is well inside the deinition of Party. (see my post)

Your photos is premium

Jen said...

You are always so creative and I LOVE looking forward to coming to your blog and seeing magnificent photographs! You didn't disappoint! These are awesome!!

YTSL said...

Great shots and an original take indeed on the party theme! :)

Andree said...

What a delight! I really really enjoy the crab spider: I got a shot of one of those tiny ones, but it was golden color. Until I blew it up and it was transparent and WHEW what a sight! Wonderful selection. MY PH: Party is here. Thank you.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

non compos mentis said...

that wa sjust lovely...what a great thought....have a great week end...

chikku :)

Leslie: said...

Oh what a wonderful take on "party!" I bet I'd love that garden, complete with bugs - I love bugs!

Anonymous said...

wow! perfect marco shots.

well done!

Anonymous said...

Those are great photos. The spring garden is definitely abuzz with activity and I am sure it feels like a big insect party at times.

Bengbeng said...

well done this week. most original yr take on the theme. a little different from wat u normally do though :)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

What a great way to party in the yard!

Kate said...

Ooh, I practically LIVE for great macro shots like this!

SabineM said...

FaBULOUS bug photos! The first one is MY FAVORITE

LibertyBelle said...

A bug party - party on!
FAntastic photos!!!!!!
and congrats to your parents for their golden wedding anniversary - that is fantastic too!
Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

what great close up shots! that crab spider looks very interesting. ;) thanks for sharing and thank you for checking out my photohunt entry. :) have a nice week ahead of you! ;)

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We always enjoy your photos, and these are not a disappointment!
Much goes on that we never see, and so glad you can capture some of it to share.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

I'm terrified of insecty-things but it does look like they are all having a party in your garden!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Party animals!!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Wow, man!

Melanie said...

Excellent photos!

Heart of Rachel said...

Great photos of insects up close.