17 January 2009

Photo Hunt - Hats

Picasso painting at L'Orangerie, Paris

Fleet Air Arm memorial, London

Archbishop Luwum of Uganda, murdered by Idi Amin and commemorated at Westminster Abbey

The theme for this week's Photo Hunt is hats. I don't wear a hat and the not-wife doesn't outside of weddings so here are a few photos of subjects with hats.


Photo Cache said...

Very original entry. You take the cake today, for putting so much thought to this. I truly enjoyed this entry.

Anonymous said...

Oh what great works of art!!

Have a great weekend!

jmb said...

Nice mix of hat photos here Jams. I love that Picasso, so warm in feeling, almost cheerful.
Happy weekend.

Dragonstar said...

These are great! Like JMB, I love the Picasso.

Mine will be up at midnight.

Bengbeng said...

i love the hats. makes me smile looking at the first pic

Anonymous said...

Hats off to that selection.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

Unknown said...

Oh those are great creative hats!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Very original indeed.

Pretty Life Online said...

Cool catch! Hat is a characteristic mode of a person in every moment.... Mine's of too hope you can drop by. Happy weekend!

Kay Dennison said...

I wear hats in winter -- with the sub-zero temps we have as I type, I simply must! But nothing as fabulous as those in your photos! Thanks!!!

Carver said...

I love it! These are all great. The scary part is I have some similar hats that I wear. When my daughter was little she would ask me to take off my wilder hats before we got too near her school. Happy Weekend.

Corey~living and loving said...

REally great take on the theme, and so far very unique. well done.
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Those are very interesting hats!

Anonymous said...

Great photo choices for the theme! Oddly this is the second time today that the topic of Idi Amin came up for me.

Have a great weekend and thanks for your visit :)

Sarge Charlie said...

I knew you would have some good stuff Jams, I am back in the hunt, stop by.

YTSL said...

Very interesting -- especially the last. Thanks for sharing and educating.

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful and interesting hats, except maybe the last one because it comes with a sad story of murder :(

Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful and interesting hats, except maybe the last one because it comes with a sad story of murder :(

Happy weekend!

SASSY MOM said...

Lovely photos from really wonderful works of art and bit of interesting info. Thanks for sharing.

CRIZ LAI said...

Wow! I'm admiring that statue of Luxem. Very beautifully sculptured. :)


Anonymous said...

Awesome. I'm with Photo Cache, this is a great post for a somewhat frivolous theme.All three photos are wonderful.

Hope you have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm I like the one in the Pope I guess. anyway happy hunting and happy weekend. TC

PastormacsAnn said...

These are terrific. Nice picks for The Hunt. So interesting.

Gabriel said...

Great choices today! Good to see you got well so quickly.

Have a great weekend!

My PH post...

Anonymous said...

Wonderful choices. Living on the other side of the world, I never get to see these works of art and it is so good to have someone bring them to me. My hat is up.

 gmirage said...

I posted a live version, but yours are wonderful choices! Beautiful!

Carin said...

Lovely entries for hats. Thought of posting this kind of entry as I am not a hat type person. But as this area where I live is not so arty I didn't know where to find such statues. So I went back many years in my photo albums for this weeks entry.

stan said...

that's a fine and regal collection of tops!

Tom said...

Great entries!

Anonymous said...

They all seem serious. They don't like their hats? :)

RJ Flamingo said...

Nicely done!

Mine's up too - kind of a view on the way out...


Have a great weekend!

Leslie said...

Wow - you really thought about this entry. Well done for this week! Have a great weekend. :)

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

ian said...

art imitating life. wonderful entry this week =]

hats off to you ;-D

CherryPie said...

Great ideas for the theme.

TorAa said...

It's funny we both selected our entry this week from the world of Art.

You have done a great selection

Anonymous said...

I love the Picasso painting! Great take on the theme.

Stop by and see my photo hunt if you have time.
JyLnC - Hats

? said...

I love this.

Hootin Anni said...

Once again, you don't disappoint us...fantastic hat photos. I'd love to have that Picasso in my own living room. LOL

I'm not a hat person, but I found 'hats' around our home that will work for the hunt. Come on over if you can. I would love to have your company.

Anonymous said...

And a nice collection of hats it is. I especially like the historical connections with each of the images. This is a great contribution to the theme.

By the way, over at my blog I'm starting a new photo-meme for Sundays based on my Sunday Scenery posts. The details can be found on the Sunday Scenery Photo Meme page on my blog. I hope you'll consider joining the fun.

Anonymous said...

That is so lovely pictures, keep it up and check out also mine! Enjoy your weekend TC :)

Anonymous said...

I love these shots. Although the Picasso is amazing, I think my favorite is the last statue. I've posted the many hats (sort of) of my 3 year old, Tyler. You can see them here.

eastcoastlife said...

These are hats that I dare not wear. Ithink my hat is cuter. :)
Happy weekend jams!

billie said...

i only wear a hat when it is realllly cold outside. like now :) then, a stout wool hat over my ears and a nice wool scarf with a heavy coat and gloves :)

Gattina said...

Very good selection of hats ! I suppose you don't wear any either !

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Very nice photos! I love seeing what people used to wear, even if they were a bit funny-looking, like that first hat.

I did Photo Hunters today, too! Hope you get a chance to visit.


Anonymous said...

Excellent take on the theme. A nice solution to a lack of household hats.

Daisy said...

I really love that middle one. The expression on his face is so haunting.

Liz Hinds said...

That's a great mix of hats, jams. Don't think I've seen any others the same.

Have a good weekend.

bonggamom said...

Hats in works of art.... love it!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Fabulous hats!

Mira said...

Very nice hats! Pls check mine here

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone

Anonymous said...

those are beautiful shots!

PowersTwinB said...

Great job with this weeks theme word! I love the statue! My hunt is up, please come and visit if you can!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful choices. Unique hats. Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out my hat photohunt post.

Brine Queen said...

Those are some crazy hats. How do they come up with such fashions?

Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

those are some really cool shots! :) thanks for stopping by.

Patricia said...

Interesting assortment of hats, Jams.

Four-eyed-missy said...

Different hats for different occupations... These hats you showcased can never cause the wearers headaches, compared to mine *lol*

Hope you are having a great weekend, Jams :)

Anonymous said...

A great way to illustrate the theme. I like them all but especially the Picasso. I haven't been to the Orangerie for a good few years.

ipanema said...

beautiful subjects! great post as well.

ope you had a great weekend. :)

sammawow said...

Great choices for the hat theme!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I was baffled with last week's theme for hats, had to search through for someone wearing a hat :P
You've got a cool set of powerful statues with hats on them :)

Sorry that I'm late with the comment.

Unknown said...

Good idea to post art. I submitted a few times to Photo Hunt, thinking it had to be original photos.

That Picasso is one of my personal favorites, by the way.