03 January 2009

Photo Hunt - Hope

The theme for this week's Photo Hunt is hope. It took a lot of head scratching before I went back to my Paris photos and chose this shot. It is a list of some of the two thousand or so French men and women who risked death to save jews during WWII. It was taken at the "allée des Justes" at Shoah memorial in Paris.

Looking at a list of such brave people gives me hope for our species.


Pretty Life Online said...

Cool choice for photohunt theme... Mine's up now hope you can drop by. Happy New Year!

CRIZ LAI said...

Never give up on hope on anybody... Everybody has his or her special gift yet to blossom. :)


Anonymous said...

Wow - great post!!

Happy New Year!

Colin Campbell said...


What is it with these tricky themes at this time of year. Just having a look myself.

Photo Cache said...

Such a wonderful tribute for all the braves who risked it all to give hope to others.

Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

wwII is either death or hope...Great choice...it wasn't too easy for me...lol.
happy weekend!

Carver said...

Excellent take on the theme Jams. It does indeed give hope for homo sapiens as a species to think of that kind of bravery amidst the horrors. Happy weekend to you.

jmb said...

I always wonder if I would have been so brave in this situation.

I think on the whole there is much to be hopeful about our species.

Happy Weekend Jams.

Anonymous said...

Hope was personified in Greek mythology as Elpis. When Pandora opened Pandora's Box, she let out all the evils except one: hope. Apparently, the Greeks considered hope to be as dangerous as all the world's evils. But without hope to accompany all their troubles, humanity was filled with despair. It was a great relief when Pandora revisited her box and let out hope as well.

Granny said...

Where would the world be without such brave people. Humanity would indeed be without "hope". Excellent choice for this week's theme.
A Happy and "Prosperous" New Year to all (we "hope"!).

Anonymous said...

Awesome post. Thinking about those brave people gives me hope too. Hope you have a great 2009.

Leslie said...

Fantastic choice for this week Jams. :)

Happy New Year. :)


Bengbeng said...

sometimes i dont like to be reminded of all the sad stuff that occurred in this world but we cant live under a coconut shell forever. this is reality. they must b remembered to prick our conscience so that injustices that occurred in the past will never occur again

YTSL said...

Hope that these are names of heroic folks who risked their lives and still lived. (And even if not, it really gives one hope for humanity that people are willing to sacrifice even their lives for others.)

RW said...

Awesome shot and post! Lend me your ear I have a award for you (Click Here)

Anonymous said...

Nice take on this week's theme JMB :)
Yes!! We're all entitled to hope :)

marcia@joyismygoal said...

aaww that is sad but tinged w/ hope yes

Rach said...

great choice for the theme :-)

eastcoastlife said...

There is hope for human kind if every one has compassion for one another.

Happy New Year jams!!

Anonymous said...

That is a nice take for the theme. Hope for the future...Happy weekend.

Kay Dennison said...

Fabulous choice!!!!!!

Happy New Year, Jams!

bonggamom said...

Very touching photo. Happy New Year, Jams!

Anonymous said...

What a special take on the theme, Jams. Hope 2009 is a fantastic year for you and yours.
Happy hunting!

SASSY MOM said...

That's an interesting take for this week's theme.

Have a Blessed 2009!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, and to them a lot of people should be thankful for :)

Wishing you the best for 2009 :)

stan said...

i truly salute these heroes! I was at the memorial in Israel and the exhibitions moved me.

Anonymous said...

There is hope at the end of the road.
mine's up too...

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

What a thought provoking choice. Great idea to showcase heros for hope.

If you have time stop by and see my take on Hope.


Anonymous said...

Very good post! Thanks for reminding us...

CherryPie said...

That is a very good one for hope :-)

Anonymous said...

Right you are...so often the news of the day makes me wonder about our species, but then we see acts of people like these. Thanks for the reminder!

Hootin Anni said...

This is so humbling, isn't it? Wow....I'm speechless.

Anonymous said...

This is a creative, moving contribution to the theme. My contribution doesn't have quite as much impact, but still expresses the theme.

shiera (bisdakbabbles) said...

what a touching entry. Indeed, we don't lose of humanity while there are still people who are willing to give their lives to others

Carin said...

Oh yes all those brave people depict hope for all of us!

Jams, Happy New Year to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

It took a lot of head-scratching for me too, but I didn't come up with anything as thought-provoking as yours. Excellent!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful take on the theme -- those who gave others hope at risk to themselves.

Happy New Year to you!

Susan Demeter said...

A powerful choice for the hope theme.

My photo hunt entry is here

Thank you for stopping by! And Happy New Year Jams :)

Anonymous said...

Great take on the theme! Thanks for visiting my blog :)

Rebecca Mecomber said...

A bittersweet monument. I hope not to see many more new ones of those anymore...

My Photo Hunters is up today. I 'HOPE' you get the chance to visit and leave your link.
Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

great choice, jams. they deserve a tribute such as this.

philos said...

Excellent choice as usual Jams. The hope of our species is after all in our collective hands.

ipanema said...

great idea for the theme!

happy new year!!! :)

Anonymous said...

What a nice take on the theme!

I played too :)

Daisy said...

This was a very hard one, but I really like what you chose to represent hope.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post and wonderful tribute. Happy New Year!!

PowersTwinB said...

What an excellent view on this weeks word! I loved your post! Mine is up, after months of not playing...please come and visit

Biker Betty said...

I love what you did with "Hope." Mine's up if you get a chance.

sammawow said...

Very touching and powerful post for the theme!

Dragonstar said...

A powerful post Jams, and you are so right in what you say! Excellent choice.

Anonymous said...

There's always hope for us!
Great choice and have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Your contribution is definitely one of the more profound. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Very thoughtful take on the theme. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Forever Foster said...

A very humbling choice. I recently finished Nancy Wake's biography by Peter FitzSimons, and it was amazing, the risks people took for people they didn't even know.

Laura lok said...

good choice of pictures

Anonymous said...

Looking at this, I realize mankind still has hope left. Great photo.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone

Anonymous said...

Great post for the theme. Thanks for sharing and happy new year to you.

Anonymous said...

Very appropriate choice for the topic.

Mine is up at Haw Creek Out 'n About - Hope.

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful dedication to those people that risked their lives.

Heart of Rachel said...

That's a great way of honoring the brave people who showed courage and love.