12 March 2010

Photo Hunt - Spiral

The theme for this week's Photo Hunt is spiral. I don't have any photos of any actual spirals so shere's a crummy photo of the 2012 Olympic stadium taken from the train this morning. Well the costs have spiralled since London was awarded the 2012 games!

Tese are a couple of photos I took this morning at Liverpool Street station in London


Carver said...

These work well for spiral. I thought about debt spiraling out of control but didn't want to photograph my bills. Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

Really like your station ones, including the great one a week or so ago. They convey the essence of the activity so well.

jmb said...

Well I can certainly empathize with Olympic spiralling costs as we have just hosted the 2010 Winter Olympics.

The life of the London commuter. :)

Happy weekend Jams.

Annie said...

Olympic sized spiraling costs...that's perfect. It looks like a cool stadium though. Love your commuter photos too.

Have a great weekend.

Colin Campbell said...

Nice atmospheric shots.

keeyit said...

Olympic sized spiraling costs.. not bad...

ipanema said...

i love your interpretation of the theme. and great shots as well.

happy weekend! :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Oh those spiraling Olympic costs! Sounds like a summer version of Vancouver 2010!

YTSL said...

What interesting sights you get to see on your daily commute! But oh dear re the spiralling costs of hosting the Olympics!!

eastcoastlife said...

We are holding the world's first Youth Olympic Games in August this year. Spiraling costs may have caused some scale backs, I'm glad preparation is still going as usual.

CRIZ LAI said...

Nice way to shoot the photos :)


Anonymous said...

Hehehe - costs always spiral - it seems to be something genetic.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone. Andrew I am so glad you enjoy my station photos

julie said...

The train station photos look so busy! :)

Alice Audrey said...

Well, that's a stretch, but I don't care. The station photos have a ghostly feel to them.

Sparkle said...

Cost spiraling out of control - I would never have thought of that! But then, finances and felines don't mix. ;-)

bing said...

this is creative, jams. :-)

Ingrid said...

they all look nice. I have to see this Olympic thing they are building. Last August they started to demolish a lot of houses. For the moment I can travel for 50 € return ticket with the Eurostar and it only takes 1.45 h !
It's quicker then going from Waterloo to the other end of Brussels !

James Higham said...

Careful, Jams, toting a phone camera around in a train station these days.

Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

Spiralling costs are something that is par for the course when it comes to Olympics. And you can be very sure that the people who were in charge of planning are walking away with a lot of money while those who get shafted are the citizens of the host cities.


gengen said...

This are the good choice for the theme. Happy hunting.

Unknown said...

Your interpretation of the theme "spiral" is a wee bit abstract, but acceptable. You seem to have struck a chord with the other commenters.
On the other hand, your images (especially the sation-pics) are so beautiful, mysterious and dream-like that they make me forgive you for not having an image of an exact spiral anywhere in your pictures.

Your station-photographs make me wish I had a camera in my very inexpensive cell-phone. I toted my big Nikon D60 camera to town to take the pics of the sculpture. Not very discrete, but no one seemed to care. (The people at the museum were delighted.)

Thank you for visiting and commenting on my PH-post about the spiral sculpture. I agree with you. When I first moved to Norrkoping, I did not understand why the mal was called "Spiralen". But now I'm glad that they connected the two.

Happy Weekend!

candi said...

I like your twist for the spiral theme. Love the shots in the train station.

healingmagichands said...

I'm with Anna, abstract but acceptable. Especially since your photos are so good. I have lots of spirals, not abstract ones either.

nursemyra said...

love the shot in the middle

Mrs. Mecomber said...

Such surreal photos! The first one reminds me of all those industrial ruins in Russia. Will the Gov spruce up the stadium for the 2012, or plan to build another?

I know what you mean about spiraling costs!!

My Spiral post is here. I hope you can visit. :)

Marites said...

ugh, with the spiralling costs of everything, it won't be a wonder if the stadium cost will go up more.

Anonymous said...

I love your take on the theme :) Moving back to London is becoming an inevitability for us in a few months time, I am soooo not looking forward heading back into the hustle and bustle!

The Florida Furkids said...

Cool photos and interesting take on the theme.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Teena in Toronto said...

2012 is going to be an exciting time for London!

I played too ... come check it out. It's of London too!

Lisa said...

Nice, offbeat collection. (And thanks for the heads up about costs -- we'll be in London in Oct. Sounds like we better start saving extra.)

I played, too.

catsynth said...

Interesting take on "spiral." I'm kinda glad neither NY or SF got the Olympics.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone

CherryPie said...

Some very interesting ideas for the theme :-)